nwhdy what

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Im bored. So like when I'm  not doung anything  i tend  to think a lot and now im sad but also angry. Angry bc fuckin some bitch decided i was going to be a fukin tranny. Fuckin bullshit. I dont want this. God i hate it lmao. I almost went into a state yesterday  where  i pretty much couldnt really control myself. I almost did a bunch of stupid  shit and it took a lot of myself not to. I just wish i was born normal. I hate this. I would do anything to get rid of it. Seriously, anything. Im just so fucking tired of feeling like this and it gets worse and worse. I realized  that i never really had depression or anxiety. Its  all just because of my dysphoria.  I get anxiety about speaking because my voice shouldnt sound like this. Or going out in public because ill get misgendered. I fucking hate talking about this shit too because i know to most people it sounds like im a fucking snowflake or whatever and i hate being seen like that because if  i wasnt trans i wouldnt even be fucking speaking like this and i just wish i was normal. I get so pissed off and i just want to punch shit all the time now.

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