Goodbye Bee.

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I don't  even know what to say to you. I'm  so disappointed and sad and angry. One deep, meaningful conversation could've fixed a lot. You never wanted to have a conversation.  I just don't think I was important enough for you to even try.  I tried so fucking hard bee, I hope you see that. I did things for you I've  never done and would never do for anyone else. I just don't think you get it. You didn't even try, and in the end you chose someone else.  Why do you always choose someone else? You can't come back baby.  Not this time.  I love you so damn much.  Getting over you is going to be the hardest thing ever.  I never thought I'd have to get over you.  I wasn't supposed to. I'm so sad.  This is the last time you break my fucking heart. It's  the last fucking time. You don't get it again.  You don't get it again ever. I would've done anything for  you. I always fought for us no matter what. Why do you give up so easily? You don't even love me anymore. Why am not enough? Why was I not enough for you to even fucking try? What was it? Was I too fucking clingy? Did I care too much? I don't  understand  why I'm  never good enough for the people I actually fucking want. Why didn't  you care. Why wasn't I enough. I hate this so much. I hate that you make me feel like this. I hate that i tried too fucking hard for someone  to not even give a fuck.  I could cut off my own arm for you and you would fucking slap me with it. I fucking hate you so much. I'm so fucking tired of you. Don't ever contact me. Keep my name  out of your fucking mouth. Leave my friends and family the fuck alone. You stay the fuck away. Fuck you. I loved you. I hate you so much. I meant so little to you, thank you for finally letting me see that. I can't believe this. I'm never going to try again. Why try for someone who won't  try? I just  wasted nearly 3 years of my life and so much of my energy on someone who wouldn't  even give me the time of the day. I meant so little to her. I just wanna be good enough. For once. I just want to be loved. I'm  so tired of all the heartbreak and pain. I'm  so tired of giving it my all for someone who won't even give me a piece  in return. I don't mean to lash out. I'm  just. I'm hurt and disappointed.  I just wish you cared. I don't  know what I'm  going to do without you. I'm  sorry I let you go. Please understand  I had to. I gotta start doing things for myself. I love  you so much.

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Goodbye Princess

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Goodbye Princess.

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