if you could take me back

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If you could go back in time, would you try to change it all?
If you could relive those moments and feelings, would you choose to?
Every little second we spent living
was wasted, but now
you've got a second chance.
Would you change it if you could?

Imagine all the consequences these decisions could cause,
but does it even matter-
as long as you're living your favorite moments all over again?
How different would your life really be
if you could fix every little mistake you've ever made?

Take me back
to that time and place where everything felt right.
I would take you back-
if I could, I'd try to remember
every single little thing around me...
the smell, the time,
your clothes, your words,
and how much better off I'd be if you took me back.

If I could take myself back
to the times when everything was simpler,
maybe I could be happy again.
I wouldn't have to reminiscence
all the purest, brightest memories
and drown in my nostalgia
as I know life right now is empty
compared to what it used to be.

If I could go back,
not to just change everything,
but to just stay there for a while longer-
to just relive everything about that life
and stay in that moment, happy...
just for those moments....

Take me back
to when we first met;
to when you first said my name;
to all those embarrassing times;
to those times when we knew each other better;
to when change was okay;
to the times I can only imagine now...

to when I was happy,
not empty.

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