explanation + themes ♡

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what i wanted to create with this novel was a journey of healing. this whole piece of work encompasses the past year in my life. if you even know me then you would know it's been a ride, to say the least. i went through emotional challenges again and again, a lot of which is documented in this novel.
what was important to me was the message that came across. the theme was that no matter how much the past haunts you; the future scares you; people infuriate you-you always have to keep going, hence one of the poems, titled keep going.
your mental health and your well being and being around those who love you back like you love them is important-things i truly believe in and things i portrayed and wrote.
love is so complex whether it'd be platonic, familial, romantic, etc. flying to the moon and back with someone was a simple and overused concept that i still found so special and soft and warm and loving. a theme that could represent all the emotions one can have, even if it isn't love maybe it'd be anger, sadness, etc.
i lingered in the past in this novel, but i also looked towards the future. maybe even stayed in the present moment. i learned while writing, as i almost always do with everything i do.
keep going. keep feeding on that positive mentality that you'll be okay even if you aren't just yet. let love surround you. and somehow, it WILL be alright. trust yourself in that.

June 21, 2019

i love u to the moon n backWhere stories live. Discover now