sweet n sour 🅴

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I can tell secrets,
and you'll never know if they are truths or not,
but I can be sweet enough to be trustworthy.
You can look into my almond brown eyes
and many emotions would be in sight.
I bet I look more bitter than ever.

I can be myself whenever I want-
except when I'm under my parents' protection.
I want to go out and hang with my friends,
but instead I have to lay here and study
while I am waiting for my one true love.
Bet she's a couple years away.
I want to see the world and make my own.
I'd rather die with ten dogs and cats
then die alone with nobody to love.

I can be both sweet and sour.
It doesn't matter if you are my lover.
I could jump over fences for you
or spit at your face 'cause you pissed me off.
You can hate me for what I did and do,
or you can love me for who I am,
because I'm a complex human to put up with;
I'm that type of guy who can do both.

I can stay sober and still get high.
I don't need to take a smoke to feel alright.
You might see it through my almond eyes,
or you can walk away; bet I'll never cry.
Break my heart into pieces,
and I might just sit back and let you
take the satisfaction of hurting me,
or I can be sour and hurt you back.

I can be sweet and sour all at once.
How many times do I have to remind you?
I couldn't give less shits about what they think of me,
as long as they judge me for who I truly am.
They can say that I'm melodramatic,
and I can work on that and/or accept it.
Say that I'm a bitch and I can cut you off
and hide the fact that I think you should stick it up your ass.

I can tell you that I hate you
when it's all because I love you.
I could say that everything will be alright
when I'm not so sure for myself.
I can say that I'm not a little spoiled brat,
and you damn well know I'd be lying to my bitch ass self.

I can be sweet
enough to hug you close
just to make you feel like I'm there for you.
I can be sour
enough to make sure you know I'm a psycho.

I have flaws of my own just like you do.
Accept me for my own sweet 'n sour self.

I wish I could move on
from thinking about how complicated I am.
I wish I could go back
to when everything about me was simple.
If only fixing myself-
ridding myself of all my past and future mistakes-
could make me wholesome again.
Imagine if I never thought of anything
or anyone
that I should've moved on from by now.
I bet shit would be much easier to cope with in this moment.

Should I wait or seize the opportunity
and not let my sweet 'n sour self
get the best of me?
It's hard to tell how badly I did in my deeds
until it's too late.

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