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(WADE IS 18, and peter is played by tom Holland because I larb him ALSO don't forget to vote and comment it really makes my day )

Also guys I know this is pretty shit but this was the first time I started wringing like this and if you stuck around I do believe I improve with my writing

Peter wasn't having a good day, and to be fair he wasn't having a good week, flash wouldn't stop picking on him at school and as much as peter tried to ignore him he just couldn't, ignoring him it had proven much harder than peter had thought, and then there was the homework the endless amount of homework that he had to do, he had an English project that he had to do on William Shakespeare, he had a Spanish quiz he had to revise for and he had science homework and that was only half of it, peter wasn't going to lie he hadn't been sleeping are eating properly, he had patrol to go on, he had homework to do, he had bruises to hide from the avengers because he new very well that they would kill flash if they found out, ned was ill and hadn't been in school all week and peter hoped he got better soon, MJ was just well....MJ she would just sit their and read her book. ,

Peter felt tired not just physically but mentally as well, the rings under his eyes were getting darker, he started falling asleep in random places, he fell asleep in the library, he fell asleep in the car when happy came to pick him up, he fell asleep on the sofa while doing homework, hell he even almost fell asleep on patrol, tony has noticed the change in his kid, he's no longer energetic and bubbly, he noticed the black rings around his eyes, he's tried to persuade the kid to sleep but peter would always reply with 'I'm fine mister stark just need some coffee' or ' I cant I have homework I'll be fine' and he was getting worried, the kid was working himself to death.

tony had to do something he couldn't watch his kid work himself to death, but the kid was stubborn and argued that he was fine, but the avengers could see that he wasn't, it was bad enough that the kid was dealing with may being in a coma she had gotten hit by a car while walking home and peter blamed himself if only he was their if only I got home faster may would still be fine, he would try and go visit her and much as he could, but peter was just absolutely exhausted.


tony picked up his phone and clicked on his contact, if anyone could get peter to sleep at would be him the phone rang a couple of times before he picked up "stark?" came a groggy voice, it sounded like he had just woken up "Wilson" tony replied he new who wade really was, he new he was a mercenary but the guy loved peter and would do anything for him "why are you calling?" wade asked a yawn following after the question.

wade had been asleep on the sofa and had been rudely awoken by his phone ringing, he would have ignored it if it wasn't tony because if tony was calling that either meant something was wrong with peter, or they couldn't find peter and he was asking if he was round his "I need some help with peter" tony said keeping his voice down since peter was in the living room doing homework looking like he was about to pass out, he was on his 2nd cup of coffee "why what's wrong" wades voice had a hint of worry in it, he was already getting up and getting dressed "he hasn't been sleeping or eating properly, he's to caught up in homework and patrol and looks on the verge of passing out, we've tried to get him to sleep but he keeps saying he's fine, and he's just about consumed 100,000 cups of coffee this week" tony said pinching the bridge of his nose he heard some shuffling and then a door closing "I'll be there in 5".


tony and the avengers left the tower to leave wade and peter alone "get some sleep ok kid" tony said kissing peter on the forehead he only got a hum in response, the avengers got in the elevator and tony soon followed after them, the elevator closed and soon started going down, when the doors opened they were greeted by and out of breath looking wade Wilson "you got here fast did you run?" Steve asked, wade straightened up at the mention of his name "this is peter were talking about why wouldn't I run" wade said tony smiled "and that's why I like you" he said "so what's your idea, how are you going to get him to fall asleep" Natasha asked "hot chocolate, cuddles and the lion king he'll be asleep within 2 minuets" wade replied, whenever peter had a bad night on patrol, they would go back to wades and watch a movie and peter would always fall asleep curled up on wades chest "well I wish you best of luck" Clint said walking past wade and giving him a pat on the back the rest of the avenger minus tony walked out the building "you take care of him wade" tony said giving wade a serious look "always" wade replied getting in the elevator.

when wade got to the floor peter was on he could see him slumped over the coffee table in the living room with his laptop in front of him with a website about William Shakespeare open on it, he still had his pen in his hand and looked as if he was in the middle of writing a sentence, wade walked over to his boyfriend and crouched down next to him he would have let him sleep but if he was sleeping like this he would get a bad back and wade didn't want that so he gently shook peter awake, soon peter groaned and opened his eyes and looked up at wade his eyes narrowed as they tried to focus on what was in front of him "wade?" peter said groggily wade smile "hay baby boy" he said brushing some of peters curls away from the boys face "why 'r you here" he slurred tiredly, wade closed the boys laptop "because were gonna go cuddle" he said peters eyebrows furrowed and he sat up straight "cant' 'got homework" he said

"well homework can wait" wade said closing the books peter had open around the table "no it cant 'is got to be in next-" peter was cut of by a yawn that was wades cue he picked Peter up of the floor by his armpits, peter wrapped his legs around wade's waist and wrapped his arms around his neck out of instinct "wadeee" peter whined laying is head on the older boy's shoulder "baby boyyyy" wade whined back playfully "gotta do 'omework" peter mumbled "homework can wait Pete, your tired you need to sleep, its not healthy for you to go this long without sleep" wade said walking over to the sofa

"you sound-" peter cut himself of with an adorable yawn that wade couldn't help but smile at "sound like my dad" he continued obviously to tired to realise what he was saying, wade smiled knowing peter had just called tony dad "well your 'dad' is a smart man" he said setting peter down on the sofa peter whined, wade told FRIDAY to put the lion king on and after a little while the movie started playing peter kept his eyes open watching wade.

wade went and laid down on the opposite side of the sofa before putting his arms out "come here baby" he said peter sighed and slowly crawled over to wade and rested his head on his chest listening to his heart beat wade started to play with peters curls "you wanna tell me why you haven't been sleeping" wade said rubbing peters back " I-I got patrol and I don't I-I don't have time" peter rambled wade continued to rub his back "an...and there's this kid at mind" peter said shaking his head "no, what is it come on Pete you can tell me" wade said "no you'll just kill him" peter mumbled against wades chest "not if I don't have a reason" wade said, peter yawned yet again "he just wont leave me alone, he keeps calling me names and he h-" Pete cut himself of with a weak sob "hay hay Pete what's wrong what is it" wade said pulling peter close to him "h-he keeps making fun of may...a-and it hurts h- he says that I'm stupid and weak and that's why everyone around me dies" peter cried tightening his grip on wades shirt "oh Pete hay its ok non of that's true ok" wade said now he's definitely going to kill this kid.

peter fell asleep curled up on wades chest a few stray tears running down his face, wade stayed put, he didn't want to move peter, to scared of waking him up, the elevator opened and wade turned his head towards it, the avengers stepped out wade shushed them and they all walked into the living room "you did it?" Steve said wade nodded "you want the good news or the bad news?" wade said quietly "there's news?" Clint said "good news" tony said wade smiled "he called you dad" wade said looking down at peter "w-what" tony said "I told him he needed to sleep and it was unhealthy for him not to and he said I sounded like his dad" tony couldn't help but smile, he had always looked at peter as his kid he was like the son he never had "what's the bad news?" Natasha said "we have a kid to kill Pete's getting bullied, an apparently the kid keeps making fun of may" wade said "I told 'u you went aloud to...kill 'im" pete mumbled "don't worry Pete I wont kill him" wade said and peter begun to snore quietly "there are things worse then death" wade and Bucky said at the same time.

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