buckys babysitting

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"alright buddy lets go," tony said lifting a bubbly peter out of his crib and onto his hip, tony chuckled when peter started babbling loudly.

"did he now?" tony spoke pretending to talk with peter, peter babbled random words as his dad carried him out of his room and into the living room.

"No way" tony said dramatically, looking at peter, the young boy seemed to be enjoying the little talk he was having with his daddy.

when tony made it into the living room he gently sat peter down on a fluffy carpet where all his toys were spread out, peters eyes instantly caught onto a pile of plushie letter blocks.

tony smiled as he watched Pete crawl over to the blocks and pick them up "daddy's got to go out for a while petey, but don't worry uncle bucks gonna look after you" tony said leaning down and kissing peters forehead.

peter didn't understand what his daddy was saying he was just focused on the soft blocks in front of him. Tony stood up as soon as Bucky walked into the room "you're gonna be late tones" Bucky said looking at the clock.

tony looked between peter and Bucky "maybe I shouldn't go just in cas-" tony started but Bucky cut him off.

"He's gonna be fine tony," Bucky said putting a hand on Tony's shoulder, Tony still stared at his son with worry, he didn't like leaving peter, last time he left he came back to peter crying his poor eyes out because he didn't know where his daddy had went.

"He will be fine tony I promise, you're gonna be late" Bucky said, Tony finally looked at him "you'll call me if anything happens right?"

"Yes, now go"

Tony took one last look at peter, before grabbing his bag off the sofa "bye buddy" he said quietly, peter didn't hear him or even acknowledge that his dad was leaving.

"Bye Tony, and stop worrying he'll be fine" Bucky said sitting down. Soon the elevator doors closed and Tony disappeared.

Peter continued to babble happily, attempting to stack the fuzzy blocks on top of one another.

Peter giggled when his tower of blocks fell down, smiling happily to himself.

The small boy babbled happily and turned around to show his daddy the block that he had in his hand but stopped smiling when he didn't see Tony anywhere.

Bucky sat up quickly when he saw peters eyes get teary and confused as he looked around.

"Hey, it's ok bub"

Bucky said standing up and scooping peter up just as the boy begun to cry, Bucky gently bounced peter up and down gently shushing him.

"It's alright bud, your daddy will be back, it's ok" Bucky said wiping peter tears away but they just kept coming.

Buckys heart hurt for the poor kid, Peter was really attached to Tony, you could never get him away from the man half the time, not that Tony would complain.

He loved how much peter wanted to be around him, it just made things a little hard for him sometimes.

"Shh, look Petey what's this," Bucky spoke picking up a stuffy that laid on the floor, he brought it up to peter moving it slightly to look like it was waving.

Peters cries quietened a little bit but he continued to whimper. His eyes were now locked with the light brown teddy bears.

The small boy sniffled quietly as he looked at the bear, Bucky adjusted him on his hip so he could see the bear better.

Bucky was about to smile thinking the crying episode had come to a stop but the smile soon faltered when Peters whimpers began to grow louder.

It was clear that peter didn't want a teddy right now, all he wanted was tony.

"Aww bub it's ok, I know, I know" Bucky said bouncing peter again he was stuck on what he should do but then an idea came to him.

Bucky continued to shush peter as he walking to the elevator "Friday take us to Tony's workshop please" Bucky said the AI didn't reply and instead just closed the elevator doors

Peter sniffled as the elevator began to move, his hands holding onto the bear, his lip wobbling, he didn't know where tony was, and that made his scared.

Bucky continued to rock the boy, gently shushing him now and then until the elevator opened.

Bucky stepped out into Tony's workshop, tools spread out over table and paper everywhere, not really a safe play for a baby but that's not what Bucky was here for.

"Look buddy" Bucky said walking around the desk to where tony kept his suits, peter sniffled as he pulled his head out of bucks neck.

"It's your daddy," Bucky said turning peter so that he could see the red and golden suit, peters whimpers came to a stop as soon as he saw the suit.

"Da..!" Peter sniffled reaching out towards the suit, Bucky smiled, waking towards it. Peters small hands reached out grabbing what he could of the suit.

"See buddy he hasn't left," Bucky said adjusting the boy in his arm so he had better view of the suit., peter continued reaching for a certain spot on the suit, the chest piece, where tony's 'heart' would normally be glowing.

Peters little eyes grew confused when he realised there was no blue light, he turned to Bucky almost as if to ask, Bucky looked confused when the boy looked at him.

"What's up bubba?" Bucky said looking at peter, peter turned back towards the suit, fresh tears in his eyes, why wasn't his heart on?

Bucky seemed to gather what was going on as he held onto peter "hey it's ok bud," Bucky said turning away from the suit but peter wasn't having it, he cried, and he cried loudly.

Bucky was running out fo ideas here, he looked around the room for anything that could help until his eyes landed on something, an arc reactor in a glass case.

A bulb turned on In Bucky head, as he walked over to it "god tony people don't kill me" Bucky winced as he covered peters ears and shattered the glass with his metal arm.

"Oh I'm dead" Bucky said picking up the reactor, it wasn't glowing yet. He'd have to connect it.

Bucky managed to get the arc reactor into the suit, he didn't know how he managed two with a child in his arms but he was great full.

"Pete, baby look" Bucky said as he watched the blue light turn on. Peter sniffled once again looking at the suit, but this time was different.

Peter looked at the suit, holding his bear close to his chest. "Da?" Peter mumbled looking at Bucky. "Yeh buddy daddy's here" Bucky said smiling. Peter turned back towards the suit, a smile on his face.

He reached towards the suit babbling happily. Bucky sighed with relief, he still had to clean up the mess but at least peter was happy.

Bucky would face anything if it meant peter was happy.

Even the rath of an angry tony stark.

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