She's not waking up

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Peter was in science being his happy and bubbly usual self, him and Ned were talking about a new Lego set ned had gotten.

"So do you want to come round later and build it with me" ned asked while holding a test tube over the Bunsen burner

"I can't sorry I'm going over to mister Stark's to work on my suit" peter said writing some things down, ned was about to say something else when the speakers went off cutting him off

"Could peter Parker please come to my office, bring your stuff please"

The principal spoke peters eyes widened a little bit, what had he done.

Peter put his pencil down and grabbed his bag from under the table, taking his goggles of and placing them on the table "I'll see you later ok" ned said, peter smiled and made his way out the classroom.

Peter held onto the straps of his bag tightly thinking of things he had done wrong the whole walk there.

When peter got to the door he took a deep breath and nocked "come in" a voice replied peter opened the door and stepped in, there was a police man standing behind the principal and a lady in a smart suit standing next to him.

Peter gulped, what had he done to get the police involved, they couldn't know He was Spider-Man.

" called for me?" Peter said nervously, miss Higgins, the principal, smiled sadly at the boy "why don't you take a seat peter" she said, peter hesitated a little bit before doing as he was told and sit down his eyes looking back and forth between the people in the room

"Am I in trouble?" Peter asked quickly almost each person in the room had a sympathetic look

"Your not in trouble peter" miss Higgins said a sad look in her eyes, peter relaxed a little bit but was still confused as to why he was here

Miss Higgins could sense the confusion in the room and took a deep breath before speaking

"Peter I'm really sorry" she spoke, which only caused peters confusion to come back "why" he asked shifting slightly in his seat.

"It's your aunt peter-" miss Higgins didn't even have time to finish her sentence before peter was standing up and butting in "is she ok! did something happen! Does she need me-" peter started rambling a common thing he did when he was scared.

"Peter" the head teacher said softly "please sit back down" peter slowly did what he was told but his mind was still racing

"Peter" this time it was the officer speaking, peters head snapped towards the new voice in the room "your aunt...she was shot this morning shorty after you had left for school-" whatever the man said next didn't matter, because peter had zoned out

May...shot, no no no not true not true Mays not dead no no no no n-

"Peter" miss Higgins called after watching the boy space out during the officers talk.


"No?" She questioned after hearing the boys answer "s-she's not d-dead" the young boy stated mostly to himself "n-not dead" peter said again his eyes wide as he stared at the floor his body hunched over with his arms propped up on his knees.

The boy continued to space out as his thoughts raced trying to process what he had just been told

"We're sorry pete-" the boys head suddenly snapped up "I have to go" he said standing up "m-may needs m-me s-she's at h-home a-alive" the boy rushes out panicking.

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