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Pete was jealous he wasn't going to lie, mister stark had gotten another intern, jack, Pete had tried to be nice to him, he had tried but jack just didn't like Peter, and to be fair peter didn't like jack.

the Avengers were slowly forgetting about Pete, and Pete could see it, happy had started forgetting to pick him up from school, stating that he didn't have time because he had to pick jack up from school as well, Tony had turned Pete's lab into jack's new lab stating that Peter was barely in there, no one noticed when Peter was late from having to walk to the tower, everyone just wanted to hang out with Jack.

peter and Nat were meant to be training but Nat hadn't shown up, Pete found out later that she had gone out for ice cream with jack so Peter spent the night punching multiple punching bag's until they broke.

peter needed help with a science project so he had gone to Bruce for help, the man was in the lab with jack and it looked like they were working on something, Pete went in and asked for help, he received a death glare from jack and a 'I'll be there in a minute Pete let me just finish up here' from Bruce, Peter waited in his room for 3 hour's Bruce never showed up so he went on patrol.

while he was on patrol he had gotten shot 3 times, he called for help but no one picked up no one came to help him, he ended up passing out on a roof while listening to Karan's comforting words, he had to swing to the tower in the morning and patch himself up also getting yelled at by mister stark for not coming home, he didn't even get a reason out before jack called tony and he walked off

him and mister stark were meant to be working on his suit but mister stark was watching a movie with Jack, soon enough peter stopped trying, he stopped trying to get noticed, he stopped asking for help, he stopped showing up to the tower and really no one noticed and that's what hurt the most, no one noticed and no one cared.

but one day peter had to go to the tower, one day peter needed the most comfort he could get, may have been in an accident and was in hospital, peter was a mess he was forced out her hospital room, child services had tried to take him a couple of times, so here peter was, riding up the tower elevator his eyes red a puffy, he saw the avengers in the living room with jack

"guys" peter said tony took a quick glance at peter "hay kid" he said before turning back to what him and jack were doing "h-hi m-mister stark I-um need to talk t-" pete was cut off "tony look at this" jack said tony turned his full attention to jack "I-ill just come b-back later" peter said trying to not cry

he just needed to get to his room, but when peter got to his room he saw it wasn't his room, it had been changed "FRIDAY what happened to my room" peter asked seeing that all his stuff was gone "mister stark has turned your room into Mr connals new room mister parker" the AI replied, peter had to let what FRIDAY had said sink in "why" pete said trying to control his emotions "he thought it would be good for you to spend some time with your aunt mister parker" FRIDAY said and that was all peter needed to hear for the tears to start falling.

peter quickly made his way out the tower no one noticed the crying teen that ran past the living room other than Jack who smirked, Peter ran back to his apartment and into his room before breaking down, he cried and cried until his throat was raw and he had no more tears to cry.


a month had passed, a month and the Avengers still hadn't noticed Peter had left, Pete had to get a job to be able to pay the rent. with patrol, work and homework peter didn't have time to sleep, eat or take care of himself, he also had to pay the hospital, Pete hadn't slept properly for the past month and when he did sleep he was always awoken with horrible nightmares.

everything hurt and Pete was trying his best to keep up with the world but he just couldn't, flash had reminded him to kill himself and Pete actually started considering it, it would all be over, he was just a stupid kid just a burden, hell tony the man he looked up to pushed him aside.

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