lost little spider

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this is a thirty day challenge that I hope can complete and I hope you enjoy the everyday update I got this from another person who did this challenge and I really enjoyed it soooo I thought I would give it a go :) 

love reading your comments by the way, they make my day.

peter was a little scared one minute he was holding his dads hand while the were walking around Disney land and the next minute he wasn't peter didn't mean to wader of he just saw a man holding a lot of balloons and he went to go look at them, but when he turned back around his dad wasn't there, peter tried looking for him but he only ended up wandering of further into the crowd. 

peter continued to walk around looking for his dad, there were a lot of people around and peter couldn't seem to find him, a couple of tears tracked down peters face but the boy quickly wiped them away and continued to look for his dad.

tony on the other hand was also freaking out, he couldn't find peter anywhere "PETE!" he called one again ignoring how the people around his turned to look at him, tony walked up to the closest people he saw "sorry but have you seen a little boy he's about this tall-" tony said holding his hand up to show peters height "- he has brown curly hear and he's warring an iron man jumper" tony said still looking round to see if he could see his little boy "was he holding a brown teddy bear?" the lady said, tony's face lit up "yes! do you know where he is" tony rushed out.

"he went that way" the lady said pointing to the left "thank you! thank you so much!" tony said before running of in that direction.

"daddy?" peter called keeping his bear close to his chest he still hadn't found his dad and he didn't bother stopping the tears he had gotten pushed down a couple of times and had scrapped his knee but the boy continued to look around, his legs were hearting and he was getting tired but he needed to find his dad.

"hay kid" peter heard somone say he looked up to see a man looking down at him "you lost?" the guy asked, peter hesitated a little bit before he nodded his head his dad had told him not to speak to strangers "what's your name?" the man asked

"my daddy told me not to talk to stwangers" peter said looking down and holding onto his bear tightly

"well my names skip, I guess we aren't strangers anymore now"  the man said smiling at the innocent boy

"w-well my names peter, peter stark" peter said brightly slightly forgetting the man was still a stranger

"stark, well I think I saw your dad in the parking lot, he's been looking for you if you come with me I can take you to him" the man said peter started to get shy again "is he looking for me?" peter asked "yep and he looks very worried, so come with me and I'll take you to your dad" the man said taking a hold of peters hand a pulling him slightly causing the boy to stumble a little bit.

peter could have sworn he heard someone yelling his name though "wait" peter said to the man but the man continued to pull him "PETER" peter looked towards the crowed and saw his dad pushing through "DADDY" peter called back suddenly the grip on his hand disappeared but the boy didn't take any notice to that and instead he ran to his dad "oh god peter I was so worried" tony said picking up the small boy "I-I was tryna find you bu I couldn't see" peter said burying his head in his dads shoulder "pete baby what did that man want" tony asked as he held the boy on his hip 

"he said that you were looking for me in the car pawk and he wanted me to go wif him" peter said tiredly tony grip tightened on his kid "peter I told you not to talk to strangers" toy said carrying the boy towards the car park "e told me his name and said tat we weren't strangers anymore" peter said tony sighed and carried the tired boy to the car "don't run of like that ok pete" tony said setting the half asleep boy down in his car seat "m'kay" the boy said closing his eyes. tony sighed and got in the drives seat before driving off  


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