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Hey guys I recently did my English mock and we had to do something where we stood up for something so obviously I did peter tell me what you think.

Triggers : transphobia.

15, an age where you should be having fun, going to parties and making friends, an age when you drink a little too much and your parents have to come and pick you up from the side of the road, an age where your forced to take part in school plays and sports.

But for peter. This was the age where everything went wrong.

The school bell was like a battle siren. Walking down school corridors were as dangerous as walking down an alleyway drunk in the middle of the night. But you weren't drunk and it wasn't the middle of the night. It was the middle of the day and you were as sober as you would ever be, no alcohol to wash away the pain. Just school text books and detention slips.

Peter would walk down these corridors like he was stepping on egg shells, like there was a monster that would attack anything that made a sound, and sadly for Peter there was. And there was nothing he could do to get away from it.

The tick of the clock echoes the classroom, the teacher sitting at his desk, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, his thumb dragging across his tongue to turn the page.

peter sat at his desk, knee bouncing up and down, nails scratching at the desk, there was never a time his anxiety didn't keep him company, it would be comforting to know he had a friend that would never leave, if that friend didn't make his head turn back whenever he was walking him, if that friend didn't make his palms sweat and his knees buckle every time he had to read out in front of thousands of eyes staring at him, watching his every move.

The sound of a bell echoes the empty battle fields that others called the hallways. Scraping of chairs and rustling of bags and sheets of homework soon followed, voiced millions of them filled the air

"What are you doing this week?"

"Did you do the homework?"

"He was definitely looking at me,"

All these conversations creating a new string that lead each of them to a different story, Peter waited a shot while, 1, 2, 4. he counted the people leaving the classroom and soon stood up, his books and pens stuffed into his bag and the zip done up, he sling his bag over his shoulder, hangs gripping onto the straps, almost as if letting go would cause him to fall far, far down.

Peter forced his legs to walk him out of the classroom, playing to every god in existence that he could make it to his class, but in this time it seemed as if the atheists had got it right as no great being responded to him.

"Hey Penny!" 

Peter's whole world turned darker when an arm wrapped around his shoulder "Peter..." he said quietly knowing it wouldn't make a difference but trying anyway.

"Huh?" Peters 'friend' said, Ned looked at peter confused, but peter just kept his head down "My name, its Pete," the arm around Peters shoulder fell as need rolled his eyes "yeah, sure" he said sarcasm pored over his works, Peter bit the inside of his cheek and blinked back tears, over emotional tears that just wanted to fall but were forced back.

"You know you're...not really a boy right Penny, when are you going to get over this?"

The conversation just seemed to be getting worse the more it went on, Peter should have expected it though as this conversation always seemed to happen. Maybe it was time for a change. A small fire that had been burned out for a long time flickered.

"I mean, I don't want to make you angry or anything, but this is kind of ridicules don't you think?" 

More words were like more logs added to the embers, slowly engulfing in flames of anger and pain tears flowing back into peter eyes acted as gasoline burning along the lines until all he could see was red as fired burned behind his eyes.

"You are," 

One line, one sentence that was coughed up floating in the air like dark smoke escaping the wild fire inside "what?" more sticks and twigs burning fulling the blaze inside.

"You are making me angry," this time embers wrapped the words that came out Peter mouth hopefully burring into Ned "I am a boy," Peter said swallowing to keep the hell fire down. A scoff was like alcohol being poured down his throat "don't be silly penn-"

"Shut up!" 

The fire burned inside and out, Ned paused not expecting peter to yell. "I am a boy," Peter continued words hot and burned "and I may not have a flat chest or an Adams apple-" peter continued fire spreading to his backpack "but I am a boy, I am peter, and if you can't accept that. Leave,"


"Leave," Peter said the heat from the fire fulling his anger, Ned looked at him with disbelief, but Peter stared straight back at him fire in his eyes, standing strong.

Ned took a step back and looked at peter on more time. And then. He left.     

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