childhood nightmares

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peter and the avengers were sat on the sofa watching the news, pete was doing homework not paying much attention to the TV, tony was helping him with it, Steve and Bruce were watching the news, Natasha was reading a book, Clint was sharping his arrows, Bucky was also reading and Wanda was playing with her magic. 

"26 year old child molester and rapist skip Wescott escaped from prison toda-" pete didn't even have to hear the end of the news reporters sentence before he stopped breathing, "kid?" tony said noticing that the kid had stiffened up.

"skip Wescott was arrested 8 years ago for child molesterment and ra-" "turn it off" Pete said suddenly he was struggling to breathe "Pete you ok" tony asked putting a hand on Pete's shoulder only to have Pete flinch away from the touch, Tony and the avengers were shocked, Peter had never flinched away from tony before "Pete buddy are you ok?" Tony said Pete didn't reply. 

suddenly a picture of skip showed up on the screen, tears filled peters eyes as memories of that night started playing in his head.

"s-skip stop I don't wanna play anymore" a young peter cried as he was held against the wall "aww come on pete this will be fun" the older man said "n-no I don't wanna play S-stop" peter cried trying to pull his hands out of skips grip

Peter started to curl in on himself trying to get the thought out of his head but he could still here it, the crying the pleading, the begging, "Pete I need you to breathe with me ok buddy" tony said now crouching down in front of the kid "p-please I-I-I can't" Pete begged, all the avengers were now watching peter worriedly, the TV was now paused and a picture of skip was frozen on the scream "you cant what pete" tony said getting worried.

"N-NO STOP M-MAY" pete cried as he was pinned down on the floor "the more you struggle the more this will hurt petey~ "  skip said taking the boys shirt off no mater how much peter struggled he couldn't get out "P-PLEASE SOMEONE H-HELP" the young boy cried only to have a hand shoved over his mouth.

"I-I cant n-not again I-I can't" peter cried curling in on himself more "pete buddy I need you to talk to me" tony said putting a hand on Peter's knee, peter quickly moved away his eye's darting up to the TV screen "h-he c-cant g-get out...I-i cant" pete cried out, everyone's eyes drifted to the picture on the TV then back to peter, 

"pete....tell me he didn't..."

tony said everyone watched the kid "I-I'm sorry" Peter cried out hugging himself tighter, Tony's eyes went wide "I-I tried to get away I-Im sorry" the kid cried "oh god kid, no no no don't apologise" tony said pulling the kid into a bone crushing hug, Nat came over and rubbed the kids back "I-I tried so h-hard I-I didn't know what was g-going on I-I didn't know what to do" Pete cried into Tony's shirt.

Steve, Wanda and Bruce were horrified, peter that sweet little boy had to go thru that, Bucky, Clint and Natasha were angary, so angry that someone would do that to peter,  and tony was everything, he was angry and horrified his kid, that innocent child had that done to him

  "I-I was s-seven years old" Peter cried "oh my god" Wanda said putting a hand over her mouth "I-I couldn't get out h-he h-had me against the w-wall" Pete sobbed "oh pete" Natasha said rubbing the boys back as he broke down "a-and I-I screamed a-and I begged b-but he wouldn't s-stop" the team were trying there best to comfort peter "n-no one came n-no one saved me a-and it hurt s-so much" "oh god pete I'm so sorry, its ok its ok" tony said "I was s-so scared" pete cried his breathing getting more uneven.

"he said h-he'd find me if I told anyone, oh god he's gonna find me" peter said his breathing getting faster to the point where he was gasping for air "no no no pete hay were not gonna let him get you ok" Steve said coming over and kneeling down next to the boy, peter glanced up at Steve "you p-promise" Peter sobbed "we promise you pete" tony said Pete slowly let go of tony and wiped his eyes "thank you" he said his voice barely above a whisper "where here for you pete always" Bucky said "thank you" Peter repeated "always" tony said pulling the kid back into a hug.            

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