Daddy wade

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Enjoy some scenarios of Wade treating peter like a baby and peter acting like one ☺️


"Hay! What are you doing" peter yelled as he felt his feet leave the ground. Him and wade had just finished eating at a small cafe on the corner of the road and were walking back to peters apartment when wade abruptly lifted peter off the floor.

"Carrying you" Wade answer, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I have legs you know" peter stated trying to get down but wade wasn't letting him.

"I know darling but we can't have your little legs getting tired now can we?" Wade said continuing to walk with peter in his arms


Peter got cut off when wade placed a finger over his lips succeeding in silencing the younger.

"Shhh there's no arguing about this, I am carrying my prince and there's nothing you can do about it"

Peters face flushed a shade of red and he stopped struggling, allowing himself to be carried like The prince he was.


"Wade you can't just stay here because your boyfriend is being a clingy little bi-" the man who was talking was cut off when wade pointed a gun at his head, Anger visible in his eyes.

"I dare you to finish that sentence" wade growled holding a sobbing peter to his chest.

"P-please don't go!" Peter sobbed his hands holding on tightly to wades suit.

"Go wait outside now or I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your brain" Wade said waiting for the man to leave, gun still in hand.

When the man finally left wade turned his attention to the small sobbing boy in his arms.

"Petey baby your gonna be ok" Wade said gently, his hands running through peters hair but peter continued to shake his head

"N-no!" Peter sobbed shaking his head harshly, he didn't want wade to go.

"Y-you could get hurt, o-or you could not come back!" Peter cried, he couldn't handle wade not coming back.

"Sweetheart you and I both know I can't die,
And I'd always come back to you" Wade said keeping his voice calm and quiet, he hated seeing peter like this.

"I-I can't I-" Peter cut himself off with a sob, hands holding on tighter to wades suit.

"Shhh shhh shh, it's ok darlin your ok" Wade said, his heart hurting from having to listen to peter cry

"I-I don't want you to go" peter sobbed

"I know sweetheart but I have to, this job is really important" Wade said feeling awful for having to leave his baby.

"I'm sorry" peter mumbled his cries calming down enough for him to be able to talk

"Hay, no you don't need to apologise"  wade said placing a kiss to peter forehead

"You promise you'll come back?" Peter said quietly resting his head on wades chest

"I'll always come back. I pinky promise"

There was a moment of silence before peter sighed "Ok.." he mumbled quietly bringing a hand up to wipe his tears.

"There's my brave boy, and you know what, when I do get back I'll take you out, we can go wherever you want ok baby boy?" Wade said smiling down at peter.

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