when "flash" is to slow

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requested by Aliceyvonlifehold

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Peter made his way down the street turning and fiddling with the blade in his pocket, his black hoodie drenched from the rain and his hood pulled over his eyes hiding his blank expression, cars drove past splashing water over him, not caring, like everybody else who didn't care, like everyone else who didn't care what he was doing right now, and to be fair peter didn't care either he didn't care anymore.

he winced slightly as the blade pricked his finger, he pulled his hand out his pocket and looked down his damp hair falling over his eyes, peter wiped his hand on his hoodie and put it back in his pocket as he continued to walk down the road.

peter stopped as he got to an alleyway, taking a deep breath as he looked into the dark dirty alleyway, this was happening, he was doing this he was finally going to be relived of all his pain it was all going to end.

peter walked into the alleyway and looked around slowly, this was it, this was what his life had come to, dying in an alleyway, peter chuckled to himself, dying in an alleyway that's how Spiderman would probably go out.

peter sighed and sat down leaning up against the brick wall, the rain dripping off the roof and onto his head, pete took the blade out of his pocket and leaded his head against the wall pulling his knees close to his chest, his eyes glued to the blade in his hand.

 peter rolled his sleeve up, his arms already covered with small white lines, he had nothing left for him.

parents = gone

uncle ben and aunt may = gone 

friends = gone

innocence = gone

will to live... gone everything was gone, the avengers were different they didn't have time for him, and peter new it wasn't there fault they had a world to save, but peter didn't have a world to save he was 'to young'.

peter scoffed quietly, to young if the avengers didn't know who was under the mask they would let him come but apparently it wasn't safe for a kid, you know what else isn't safe for a kid, being alone being scared, being useless.

peter was just a stupid kid who thought he could save the world, a kid who can catch a bad guy but not catch a ball being thrown at the back of his head. 

a kid who could save someone but not himself 

a kid who could stand up to a mugger but not a school bully.   

a kid who was completely done with this fucking world

pete took one last deep breath before dragging the knife harshly across his wrist blood flowing out life a waterfall, peter shut his eyes tightly before doing the same to his other wrist , once he was done he tossed the knife away from him already starting to feel weak.

peter smiled to himself he was ready to die, peter could feel blood flowing out of him with every beat of his pulse, things slowly started to slip away keeping his eyes open became harder he could hear the quiet sound of a ringtone, peter opened his eyes and saw his pocket glowing he weakly pulled the phone out his pocket a picture of him and mister stark flashed on the screen.

pete chucked weakly to himself ignoring the call completely.


peters head turned to where the voice came from "oh my god" the voice sounded familiar suddenly his arms were being grabbed and something was being pressed against them, peter could tell what the person was trying to do.

they were trying to save him

but he didn't want to be save, so he weakly tried to pull his arms away from the person everything was becoming harder to do "peter what the hell- stop" the person said sounding slightly panicked when peter tried to pull his arms away, suddenly peter realised who the voice belonged to

flash Thompson. 

peter forced his eyes open and saw a extremely panicked flash on the floor in front of him fumbling with his phone and keeping his jumper wrapped around peters wrist "flash" peter voice was barely a whisper, peters phone started ringing again the same picture of him and tony flashing on the screen again, flashed reached for peters phone but peter was quick to stop him "f-flash don't...don't pick it up" peter said struggling to speak, his face was going extremely pail "oh god peter why the hell- an ambulance is on its way ok just hold on" flash said peter shook his head "no" he said weakly.

"im done...I-I give up I don't want to be saved" peter said his body drooping forward flash quickly pushed his back up against the wall trying his best to stop the bleeding "Spidermans...done" pete said there was no point in keeping a secret anymore, yet again his phone rang "Spiderman? peter this is all my fault oh my god" flash said ignoring what peter said about Spiderman "no.. my fault... m'weak" peter said closing his eyes his body slowly going limp "no pete your not wea- oh god pete no, no, no open you fucking eyes" but peter didn't open his eyes he only smiled faintly "bye flash" he said and stopped fighting to stay conscious...his world turning black.

"peter?" flash said shakily as he watched the boys body slump against the wall "no no shit" he yelled, this was all his fault, he had done this he had pushed peter to this. 

the sound of an ambulance could he heard in the distance, peters phone started ringing again flash looked over at it a picture of peter and....tony stark? showed up on the screan with the words above it reading 'my hero'. flash ignored it and went back to trying to wake peter up completely oblivious to the pair of paramedics running towards his or the sound of thrusters in the distance all he could focuses on was the pail boy in front of him and the puddle of blood that was forming around his hands.


it had been two weeks since the peter incident and people were grieving the loss of the young boy the news was full of it along with headlines such as spiderman missing and where is our friendly neighbourhood hero.

slowly after time passed people pieced things together and found out who Spiderman was and it only made them hurt more a memorial was built for the young hero and slowly after a couple more weeks there was a new headline on the news. 

17 year old commits suicide in alleyway.

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