hospital visits

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Peter made his way through the boring halls to mays hospital room.

The young teen keeps a smile on his face as he walked into his aunts room, may was sat upright on her hospital bed a smile made its way on her face as her nephew walked in holding yet another bunch of flowers

"Pete I might as well be running a flower shop with all the flowers your bringing" she said as peter set the flowers on the side with all the others.

"Flowers are amazing May you can never have to many flowers" peter said May shook her head in amusement "hows school" she asked

"Good is doing well in all my classes OH and ned got a Star Wars Lego set I went round his and we spent all night making it because I actually fell on it while we where building so we had to start again-" peter rambled, May just smiled she had missed her nephew since she had been in hospital.

Peter continued to talk with May about school and Spiderman, May could help but smile, "-and then I webbed the guy to the wall and he was so surprised" peter laughed, the kid hadn't even noticed the time that had flown past

"As much as I would love to sit and chat don't you have somewhere to be" may asked peter looked at his watch, " oh yeh, I'll go get changed in the bathroom" peter said tacking his school bag with him.

Soon enough he came out in his Spiderman suit "bye may see you tomorrow" peter said waking over to the window and climbing out webbing his bag to the wall as he climbed out, the kid made his way round the building until his came to a certain window

The children's ward

Peter looked in and saw the kids running around and playing, some where colouring, some where reading, peter tapped slightly on the window until one of the kids looked over

"SPIDERMAN!" The little boy yelled getting the attention of all the other kids peter opened the window and climbed in closing the window behind him

"Wow it's Spiderman" one of the little girls said peter ruffled her hair slightly "hay kids, I'm on a mission you wanna help" peter said he would come here once in a while and cheer up the kids

"YEH" the kids yelled in unison, the nurses watched they had gotten used to the visits from Spiderman

"I need someone to help me make a map of the hospital" peter said walking over to the small colouring table and crouching down the kids gathered around and most of them grabbed a piece of paper and started to scribble and draw lines.

Soon enough there were many colourful pages on the table peter grabbed them and walked over to the beanbags and sat down

"What we do now Spiderman" one of the younger kids asked

"We've got to the hidden base" peter said picking up a blanket and webbing it to the corner of the room creating some sort of roof he then grabbed beanbags and used them as walls, soon the kids piled into the fort, peter was about to continue when Karan spoke

"You have an incoming call from mister stark" Karan said

"Sorry guys iron man needs me but I'll be back tomorrow and we can finish our mission than" peter said walking over to the window

"BYE bye Spiderman" peter heard one of the kids shout before he swung out the window.

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