replaced - part 2

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Wade angrily made his way to the tower, his blood was boiling, they hurt peter that much, wade could see the tower coming into view and he got more angry with every step he took.

wade finaly got to the tower he walked through the doors and over to the lady at the desk he pulled a badge out of his pocket that peter had gave him in case he came to visit and scaned it, FRIDAY greeted him as he walked into the elevator.

"FRIDAY where is everyone" wade asked trying to contain his anger, "they are in the lounge with mister connal mister wilson" the A.I replied "would you like me to take you to them?" FRIDAY added "yes" wade said gritting his teeth, the elevator started moving, wade clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white.

when the elevator doors opened wade could here laughing, he walked out the elevator and saw the avengers with some random kid. a random kid that had hurt peter.

wade walked into the Livingroom making his presence known Steve turned to look at him "wade what you doing here?" he asked "shut it cap" wade spat venom in his voice, his eyes glued to the kid "wow wow wow what's gotten you in a bad mood?" tony said standing up and walking over to wade, he went to put a hand on his shoulder but wade grabbed him by the neck and pinned him against the wall.

Steve and Natasha stood up quickly, wanda and clint stood next to jack protectively "how fucking could you" wade growled a slight sadness in his voice tony stared at wade wide eyed "w-what do you mean?" wade tightened his grip around Tony's neck  and scoffed "you don't even know what you did"

"get out wade" clint said as Natasha and Steve walked closer "you have no right to come here and do this" Steve said, jack, clint and wanda walked closer to Steve and Natasha "I do when it comes to peter" wade said.

a sudden realisation washed over the team, were was peter? when was the last time they saw peter? guilt hit them hard as they remembered all the times they pushed peter aside so they could hang out with jack.

"what's wrong with peter" tony asked worry and concern in his voice "what's wrong with peter? what's wrong with peter is that I walked in to his apartment to find him with a gun to his head about to kill himself because you forgot about him!" wade yelled rage in his voice.

it took a while for the avengers to let what wade had said sink in, peter had tried to kill himself, he tried to kill himself because of them, "you even kicked him out" wad added in a sadder voice "i-i didn't kick him out I just thought he would want to spend time with his aunt" tony said still trying to recover from what wade had previously said.

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