Sleeping in

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"you look tired" Tony said as he watched peter stumble out of the elevator, the kid's hair was a mess and he looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks.

Peter raised his head at the sound of his name the tired look in his eyes was almost worrying along with the dark bags underneath them.

"wha-?" peter said looking at tony a sleepy and confused look on his face, "I said you look tired," Tony said walking over to where peter stood, peter stared at tony for a little while almost as if he was trying to process what the man had said.

"oh yeh" peter said after a while, tony raised an eyebrow "when was the last time you slept Pete," Tony said brushing peters curls back, peters eyebrows furrowed slightly "I...cant remember," peter said leaning his head against tony's chest.

"really kid?" tony sighed wrapping an arm around the kid in front of him, "m'fine mister stark I-i just need some coffee" peter said gently pushing himself away from tony and making his way towards the kitchen "ah ah ah not so fast" tony said placing his hands oh peters shoulders and turning him towards the living room.

"Mister stark what are you doing" peter said rubbing his eyes slightly "we're gonna go lay down, cuddle up on the sofa until you fall asleep" tony said grabbing a blanket of the end of the sofa "mister stark we can't you have meetin-" 

"Pete you really think I care more about those meetings than you?"

Peter didn't answer which caused concern to bubble inside of tony but the man decided to leave it, instead tony just laid down on the sofa and pulled peter on top of him.

"Mister starkkkk" Peter whined when he felt a blanket get pulled over him "you can't just skip your meeting because I'm tired" Peter said going to stand up and get coffee even though he didn't want to and would much rather lay with mister stark but he felt guilty of making him miss his meetings.

But Tony wasnt having it and pulled Peter back down wrapping his arm around peters skinny frame, another worrying thing.

"You're not going anywhere, I don't care if the worlds ending me and you are going to stay here until you fall asleep" Tony said one of his hands moving to run through peters hair, Peter sighed and relaxed there was no point in arguing 

"Get some sleep kid your gonna need your energy to get through my long lecture about why you need to sleep when you wake up" tony said but Peter was already asleep, Tony just smiled and closed his eyes leaning back against the sofa and asking Friday to dim the lights, his protective grip not leaving Peter for a minute.


Tony awoke to the sound of the elevator dinging and the lights coming on, Peter was still asleep so tony looked at his watch they had only been asleep for an hour and tony was about to kill whoever came out the elevator if they woke Peter up.

Tony looked towards the elevator and saw non other than the ex-avengers and once they spotted him Steve started going off 

"Really Tony you skip this important meeting just to take a nap on your sof-" steves started his voice loud, too loud, Peter started to stir in Tony's hold and Tony sword his anger had never spiked so quickly, Tony quickly signaled for cap to shut up.

Soon enough everyone had walked round and caught view of the small scrawny teen asleep on Tony's chest, everyone's face morphed into one of confusion except Rodney who had brought the team up and already new about Peter.

"I swear to god capsicle if he wakes up there will be a whole new civil war" Tony said his voice just under a whisper but you could hear the threatening toan in it.

"Tony who the hell-" Clint signaling to Peter " is that" he finished "we didn't know you had a kid" Steve continued, his voice now quite.

"Not biologically but he's my kid and if any of you hurt him, annoy him or Even make him feel a tiny amount of sadness I will end you" Tony said the threatening tone still in his voice " violence is never the answer mister...stark..." Peter slurred into mister starks chest readjusting his head so he was facing the back of the sofa.

"Everyone deserves a hug" the boy yawns to tired to realize who was in the room and what he was saying "go back to sleep Pete" Tony said his hand returning to peters hair  "m'kay" Peter said quietly soon falling asleep again.

Tony himself closed his eyes completely forgetting about the avengers, Rodney took it upon himself to lead a very confused team out of the room leaving father and son to sleep.

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