My scars show the story of when the world tried to break me but failed

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Peter and wade were walking down the street peter was clinging to wades arm like a child, wade had a hoodie on with the hood pulled slightly over his face.

"Wadeeeee" peter whined looking up at the older, wade smiled and looked down at the childish boy next to him "yes" he answered

"Can we go get a cupcake" peter said looking towards a little bakery on the corner of the road.

Wade smiled and nodded his head causing peter to start pulling wade towards the little shop.

"Peter slow down" wade laughed as he tripped over his own feet "wade hurry up" peter said continuing to pull him.

They finally made it to the shop after a lot of tumbling, the smell of freshly baked bread hit there noses, the shop was little and cozy, there were little circular tables scattered around the small cafe.

Peter and wade walked over to the lady behind the counter, peters eyes were scanning over the different treats on the shelves.

"What you want Petey" wade said, peter looked over at the treats "can I get the chocolate muffin" peter said, wade nodded and pulled his wallet out

"Excuse me" wade said to the lady behind the till who was currently doing something,

"Hi what can I do for y-" the lady stopped talking when she turned around her eyes looking at the scars on wades face.

"I-ugh w-what can I do for you" she said still not taking her eyes of wades face, wade could tell she was looking at his scars and it made him uncomfortable

"Just a chocolate muffin" wade said slightly quieter looking down slightly "s-sure thing" the lady said finally tearing her eyes away from wades face.

Peter could tell wade was uncomfortable, so he reached down and grabbed wades hand trying to distract the older boy, wade looked down at peter almost forgetting about the situation they were in a smile crossing his face.

"H-here you go" wade turned his attention back to the lady who was handing him a small bag.

After wade had payed him and peter made there way out, wade handed peter his muffin and kept his head down as he walked.

"You ok wade" peter asked looking up at wade wade nodded his head and continued to walk, taking notice of every little look he got when people walked past.

Wade stopped walking when he felt peter tug on his hand, peter turned wade to look at him

"What's wrong wade, I know somethings wrong" peter said looking up at the older boy
"People keep staring at me pete" wade said quietly.

A sad look crossed peters face "wade baby, everyone has scars ok, I have scars but having scars show that you survived all the shit the world threw at you, I hated my scars for so long wade, but I learnt to love them because they show that I'm still here and I'm still fighting" peter said wrapping his arms around wades neck,

Wade smiled down at the boy in front of him "what would I do without you" wade said wrapping his arms around peters waist, peter stood up on his tiptoes and pecked wade on the lips

"Crash a burn"

Sorry I haven't been updating a lot I've just been feeling really depressed and numb and I haven't really left my bed unless I need to go to school, but I forced myself to write this because you guys deserve it sooooo enjoy

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