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"flash just leave me alone" peter said trying to ignore the bullies that were behind him, he made his way over to his locker "and why would I do that parker" peter heard flash say from behind him, he ignored him and opened he locker, grabbing his homework and putting it in his bag, peter was about to close his locker when he was kicked to the floor.

pete held onto his side in pain "seriously flash fuck off" peter groaned trying to stand back up only to have Tyler, one of flashes goons/friends, shove him back down "trying to act tough parker" tyler said, peter looked up at him "I could say the same for you" peter said riskily, only to receive a fist to the face, he could feel blood running from his nose, probably broken.

"god your so weak parker" Arron said, another one of flashes friends, peter winced slightly as he stood on his hand when he tried to grab his bag, peter tried to get up again he had to go happy would be angry if he was late.

"no wonder your family left you" flash said, pete glared at flash slightly "don't talk about my family" peter growled Arron kicked peter in the side causing the boy to topple over "you mean the family you don't have" he sneered, peter felt a small part of his heart break, like it does with every insult that's thrown at him.

"stop" peter said, he needed to go he didn't want to be late "aww come on penis lets have some fun" flash said grabbing peter by the arm and slamming him against the locker nocking the breath out of the boy, peter took a deep breath only to have it nocked back out off him when a foot collided with his chest, this is gonna hurt, was the only thought going through peters head as he was beaten to a pulp


peter lay on the ground clutching his stomach in pain, he was sure he had a couple of broken ribs, everything hurt, Peter groaned as he sat up "I think we're done here" flash said clapping his hands together, peter looked up at the  3 boy's in front of him wincing slightly, "yeh lets go there nothing left here any-" tyler stopped mid-sentence and a smile grew on his face "what?" the other 2 questioned peter didn't have a good feeling.

all eyes drifted past peter, and soon enough the 3 of them were smiling, pete followed their gaze until his eyes landed on his open locker, he stared at it confused until realisation hit him "n-no guys please" pete begged trying to get up but tyler grabbed his right arm "g-guys please I'm claustrophobic" peter said slightly panicking as Arron grabbed his other arm "then this will be even more fun" flash said helping his friends force pete into the locker, peter started panicking, he didn't do well in small spaced.

"flash please stop!" peter yelled as they tried to close the locker door, finally the boys closed the door, turning the lock so peter couldn't open it, peter started freaking out it was dark and cramped, "p-please flash let me out" peter said banging on the door he could here laughing down the hall.

peter breathing became uneven, fear taking over his body as he desperately tried to open the door, it felt like he was running out of air "p-please" pete begged taking deep breaths trying to calm himself down but failing, the air around him was growing thick and hot causing peter to panic even more, he was trapped, he couldn't breathe, he was being crushed, the building was crushing him, he couldn't get out.

peters breathing became rapid as he pushed against the door "p-please someone" the young boy started shaking his head was spinning, the air around him was growing thicker, his chest was tightening the back of his neck was hurting due to the weird position he was in, peter started to feel light headed even more reason to panic.

Clint was waiting outside for pete, he was going to surprise him by picking him up today but peter was taking to long, Clint decided to wait a couple of minutes in case peter was with a teacher but after waiting for 5 minutes, he decided to go find him, clint walked up and down the halls looking for peter and after a little while he started to get worried "pete!" he called once again walking down the hall.

 clint was about to turn around and try a different hall when he heard banging.

clint made his way down the school corridor "peter!" he yelled one again "c-clint" clint just barely managed to make out the small voice calling his name, clint could see a bag discarded on the floor along with a couple of papers "c-clint p-please" clint looked around for pete but couldn't see him anywhere 

"pete where the hell are you" the older man asked, soon enough he heard crying 

"I-in the locker p-please" peter begged banging on the locker door, he couldn't breathe, his head was hurting and everything was spinning.

"oh god pete how the hell- ok hang on" clint said crouching down in front of the locker, clint grabbed on to the lock, trying to find a way to open the door "I-I cant breathe p-please clint" peter begged hot tears running down his face "alright buddy, I'm trying hang on" clint new it was a bad idea and it was a dangerous idea but he had to get peter out the locker, clint stood up and grabbed his bow from off his back and an arrow, he quickly aimed the arrow at the lock and let go, the lock breaking in half.

as soon as the door was opened peter stumbled out taking in deep breaths, clint was at his side in a instant "your ok pete, deep breaths in and out" clint instructed, peter followed his instructions taking in deep breaths, trying to focuses on his breathing, peters head still felt dizzy but he was feeling much better "pete who put you in the locker?" clint said peter tensed up a little bit "j-just some stupid kids its fine" peter said grabbing his papers and shoving them in his bag "peter look at me" clint said, peter looked up at clint slowly, "they forced you in a locker peter, its not fine" the older man said helping peter up, peter winced slightly completely forgetting about his ribs, clint eyed the boy.

"I'm guessing they did more than just shove you in a locker" clint said putting his bow back, peter looked at the ground his shoes becoming surprisingly interesting "you know Tony's going to kill whoever did this" clint said peter quickly looked up at him "please don't tell him" peter begged "peter I don't have to tell him anything for him to find out about this, he's tony stark for god sakes he knows everything" clint said peter sighed "I know" peter said, peter put an arm around the boy.

"enjoy your school while it lasts, because tony stark is about to rain hell down on it"              

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