Childhood nightmares - part 2

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Requested by ILoxeYou3000

Peter sat in between tony and Natasha trying to focus on his breathing but all he could focus on was that skip got out.

Peter new he was probably in the most safest place on the earth at the moment, surrounded my gods from another planet, assassins, super soldiers, a witch and the safest of all, a protective father figure that would do anything to keep you safe.

So here peter sat curled up with Tony's arms around him and Natasha's fingers running through his hair.

Everyone else was moving about trying to find information, checking up on peter now and then, sometimes peter would randomly explain things that happened, what skip would say and do, the threats that were told and the threats that were carried out.

Tony's anger only grew and grew as peter kept talking, he wasn't angry at peter, god no, he could never be angry and peter for something like this and could probably never actually be able to get made at the little ball of sunshine and life sat next to him.

"H-he made his friends come round once.."

Tony turned to look down at peter along with Natasha and Steve who was sitting in an armchair slightly away from them recerching about this skip person.

"T-the naighbores, t-they called the police because they heard yelling."

Tony looked at the kid with such sadness, why wasn't he there, why didn't the save him from having to go through this, he quickly looked down at his watch, it was scanning for credit cards that could be linked to this monster.

"O-once the police left, he grabbed me" peter spoke shifting slightly to push himself further into the sofa and further into Tony.

"H-he yelled a-and hit me, t-then two people s-showed up a-and-" Peter didn't finish's he buried his head into his hands sobbing quietly

"It's ok buddy" Tony spoke pulling peter close to him "let it out" Tony continued to hold peter close to him shushing him quietly.

"He's not gonna get you, we promise"

Peter sniffled, why couldn't this just go away, why couldn't he just go away, why-

"Sir" Friday spoke cutting peters throughs off
Everyone perked up at the sound of Fridays voice

"I have found the target 'skip wescott'" Friday spoke, Tony stood up, peters eyes were slight wide and he scooted backwards into Natasha.

"Where is he" Tony asked looked back and forth between peter and the ceiling

"He appears to be outside of the building sir"

Peter shut down, his body freezing up, his world slowing down, how did he find him, how.

"No..." peter mumbled quietly eyes wide, watery and unfocused. A lump in his throat causing his words to come out cracked and croaky.

Natasha quickly sprung into action quickly moving to kneel if front of peter taking along of his shaking hands in her's.

"Hey, Petey you're ok, he can't get you. He can't get in" Natasha spoke quietly while Tony told Friday to send all his suits to surround skip.

"I-I'm sorry..." peter whispers eyes still unfocused his hands and body were shaking tears flowing out of his eyes.

"Please...I-I don't...-" Peter sobbed leaning forwards squeezing his eyes shut and squeezing natashas hands, nat didn't mind she just continued to mumble words of comfort.

"I-it hurt i- I don't..-nat please" peter was sobbing loudly, Tony quickly made his way over to peter crouching down next to nat

"Peter, hey look at me, you're fine, we've got him surrounded, he can't get in" Tony said moving peter so he was looking at him.

Peter blinked slowly some tears escaping his eyes, peter took a shaky breath.

"Sir, mr wescott is wishing to speak to mister Parker" Friday spoke, peter closed her eyes and Tony cursed under his breath.

"No fri-"

"Wait" Peter spoke up causing everyone to turn too him "peter you do-" peter cut Natasha off by raising his hand.

He furrowed his eyebrows slightly, he was Spider-Man, he wasn't meant to be afraid. He wasn't meant to be having a whole team of superheroes watching him cry.

He was meant to be strong, not crying. He could do this he was a superhero.

Peter stood up pushing all his fear deep inside of him "let him" peter spoke up everyone almost sprung up "what no peter-"

Peter only shook his head "let him" he repeated
Peter wanted to cry, he wanted may, he wanted to hide, wanted someone to hold him and make skip disappear but he wasn't allowed.

He was meant to be strong

After a long moment of silence Tony sighed before telling Friday to pull up a hologram from one of  his suits.

Skip showed up, the smug look on his face that peter remembered plastered on his face, peter knees went weak, memories flooding to his brain. Fuck this was a bad idea.


Peter clammed up, his throat closing up, fuck he couldn't do this, he just wanted to hide behind someone.

"God it's been so long hasn't it Petey?"

No no no no, he couldn't do this fuck, he couldn't tears came to his eyes, fuck it hurt so much.

"Missed you Petey, thought about you all the time"

"T-Tony" peter broke sobbing, he didn't care about being strong anymore, he needed someone, Tony was by his side in an instant, pulling him close

"I guess something's haven't changed, you still look pretty when your cr-"

"Shut up!" Peter screamed loudly covering his ears, squeezing his eyes shut, Tony quickly shut off the hologram, peter continued crying loudly.

Natasha and Clint were making there way to the elevator and heading down to get skip behind bars permanently.

"Fuck!" Peter sobbed loudly shocking everyone in the room since peter barely ever swore "I-I can't-get out" peter was almost ripping his hair out but Tony quickly grabbed his hands

"Hey, no it's ok, come here bud" Tony held peter close to him as he sobbed, seeing peter like this was making Tony want to cry two.

"W-why! Why can't I just be s-strong-"

Tony cut peter off quickly "no" was all he said "you are the strongest person I have ever meant peter down you dare say you're not" Tony held Peters head to his chest, not showing any signs of letting go anytime soon.

"I just want him to hurt, hurt as much as he hurt me..." peter spoke quietly "and it's bad, it's bad for me to want that but-"

"No kid, it's not bad and down worry, I bet you he'll feel 100 times worse since nat and Bucky are heading out there to teach him a lesson for messing with our spider baby"

Peter smiled weakly

"Now there's a smile" Tony said smiling, peter looked up at him; everything would be alright

"Sir mr wescott has currently been hospitalised due to the injury's he received from mr Barton and miss Romanoff"

Everything would be just fine.

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