HYDRA messed with the wrong kid - part 2

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tony walked with peter up to may's apartment, still trying to figure out what had happened at the HYDRA base "you sure your alright kid?" tony said as they walked down the hall "I'm fine mister stark just....need to lay down" pete said keeping his eyes down as he walked "if you say so kid" tony sighed not believing him, when they finally got to the apartment door, peter opened it and walked in, may was sat on the sofa watching TV, she turned her head towards the door when she heard it open "hay pete how'd it go" she asked pete just looked at her "fine" he said quietly before walking of to his room, may looked confused 

"something happened while he was at the HYDRA bas-" "tell me you didn't take him there" may said cutting tony of with worry in her eyes "why what's wrong" tony said may looked even more worried "what happened" she said quickly "I-I don't know Clint said that he just walked into a room and he looked scared and freaked out" tony said "did he start saying things" she said closing the door "yes he- may what's going on" tony said shaking his head "sit down" she said looking as if she was about to cry, tony reluctantly sat down, may left the room and came back with a file, with a...HYDRA symbol on it "when...peter was 5 his parents died" may said "I know but what does this have to do with anything" tony said may sat down next to tony with the file held close to her chest

"when we went to go get peter...he was...gone" may said "what do you mean he was gone" tony said  his eyebrows furrowing "someone had gotten there before us"  may said "what, who?" tony said, a tear fell down her cheek "we didn't know...he was gone for...8 years" she said Tony's eyes went wide "we looked for him, we called the police, they looked for 2 years and then gave up" she said "a couple of years later...w-we got a nock on the door a-and-" she covered her mouth and tears ran down her face "what what was it" tony said "I-it was peter b-but" "but what" tony said wanting to know what happened "h-he was... he had chains everywhere...he was on the floor... his arms chained behind his back...his feet were chained...he had a blind fold on and a gag a-and he was covered in scars and bruises and... so much blood" may said

 tony stared at her trying to let what she had said sink in "w-what" he spluttered may placed the folder down on the table, tony looked at it and saw it said peter parker on it "they took him tony" may said tony stared at the file before slowly reaching out to it, "he was so thin, he was so scared" may said, tony opened the file and a USB fell out, he put the file down and picked up the USB "me and ben couldn't bring ourselves to watch it, we watched the first 2 minutes of it and couldn't watch anymore" tony picked the file back up and opened it again

Name: peter Benjamin parker

Age brought in: 5

Age discarded: 13

DNA mixed with a radioactive spider, abilities transferred, able to stick to surfaces, able to produce webbing that has immense strength, enhanced hearing, vision and sense of smell, reacts quickly to danger is able to pinpoint where danger is.

"May tell me this isn't real" tony said as he read the first couple of sentences of the folder "I'm going to go check on peter you can take that with you it's not wanted here" may said standing up and making her way to Peters room, tony stared at the file in his hand, peter a kid, his kid grew up there, there of all places, tony grabbed the file and USB and took it upon himself to leave.

When tony got back to the tower, he rode down to the lab making sure to lock the door behind him, Tony walked over to his desk and sat down throwing the file down on the table "please tell me this isn't real" tony said as he opened the file, he felt sick, there were pictures of his kid in pain

Subject doesn't do well in cold weather it seems that the spider DNA mixed in his blood has caused him to go into hibernation when it gets to cold – footage on USB

Tony looked at the USB that was also on the table he shakily picked it up and plugged it into his computer, a link to a video popped up, tony clicked on it hoping that nothing too bad would be shown, hoping that his kid wasn't in too much pain.

The video started with a kid crying, not a good sign, a small figure came into view being carried by too big men, peter, tony thought as the child was thrown into a dark looking room, the small child was definitely peter, he had curly brown hair and bright brown eyes that were filled with tears as he looked around worriedly "so you must be peter" another man said walking in, Pete shuffled into the corner pulling his knees to his chest "w-where am I" the young boy squeaked "none of your business" another guy said, Tony's blood was already boiling seeing his kid so innocent, so scared "I-I wanna go home" Pete said in a small voice "this is your home now boy" a man said in a big booming voice, tony could see peter shake with fear and he hated it, hated the fact that he wasn't there for him.

The clip cut off to another one "subject is now 5 years of age" a voice said, the camera switched to one that was pointing to a small cell in the middle of the cell was...peter chained up crying his poor heart out

 "oh Pete" tony said the big metal door opened and a guy walked in he was bald and looked about 6 foot 3 inches he had a snake tattoo going down his neck, and looked fairly strong "what have we said about crying Pete" he said tony could see Pete freeze up

 the young boy didn't move and tony watched his heart braking more every second "n-not to" the young boy squeaked "that's right, and what are the rules" the man said closing the door behind him, peter let out a loud sob that made Tony's chest tighten "p-please I-I wanna go home" the young boy cried "how many times do we have to tell you this is your home, stand up  or I can make this a lot worse" the man said pulling a whip out from behind him, tony couldn't watch anymore. 

there were more files ones of pete being beaten, and forced into fighting animals, there was also one where pete was having a sensory overload when he was 9 and they made as much noise as possible to see how long he would last, it was hard to watch his kid covering his ears and pleading...no screaming for them to stop

tony couldn't believe it his kid, peter that sweet little boy was tortured and beaten, given powers only to be abused for having them, told he was nothing but a freak and a monster

tony would make sure that his kid would never have to go thru that again, and he would kill every last person that hurt his kid, if it was the last thing he'd do, but right now he was going over to may's to comfort his kid.

part 3? 

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