HYDRA messed with the wrong kid

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Peter could do this, he could get thru this everything would be ok.

Pete and the avengers were on a mission to take down a hydra base, Pete had to do this if he refused they would think of him as weak he couldn't have that, he didn't want to be reminded that he was weak.

Clint and peter had gone off together to cover more ground, tony and Natasha had gone upstairs, Steve, Bucky and Wanda were clearing up a couple of floors and Bruce was waiting outside in the jet getting the med bay ready, Pete was doing ok, as good as he could be doing, the smell of blood was strong really strong, peter hated the smell of blood he couldn't stand it, "ok Pete you go check out the left cells and ill check out the right" Clint said "sure" peter replied bluntly Clint went off to the right and peter walked over to the left, trying not to throw up from the smell.

Pete was fine, he had to keep telling himself he was fine, everything was ok just check the cells and you can get out, peter came up to a very familiar hallway and froze, just take deep breaths, in and out.

The chains, the scraping  of metal against the floor, the blood. Pete leaned against the wall to steady himself, peter walked closer, he turned the corner and saw a cell door...no his cell door, his breathing hitched, his cell, his file....his...blood, peter had to remind himself to breathe as he started walking towards the door, why he was walking towards it he didn't know,

Pete found himself in the cell room, big concrete walls closing in on him, the corner he used to hide in was still covered in blood, the chains in the middle of the room laid discarded on the floor, the chains the young boy had spent most of his life in, pete pulled his mask off when Karan started to tell him his heart beat was increasing "Pete?" Clint said walking into the room, he had been calling the boy for the past minute.

Pete walked over to a wall two small bloody had prints stained on it, Pete couldn't help but let out a weak sob, a child's hand prints...his hand prints.

The small child held onto his side to scared to take the knife out "come here boy" the man in front of him said, the small boy shook his head "p-please I-I wanna go home" the 5 year old boy sobbed "talking back now" the man said angrily the young boy shook his head quickly "you know the rules hands against the wall" the man said, peter pushed himself further into the corner "p-please" he begged he just wanted to go home he just wanted his parents "the longer you take the longer I'm going to hurt you, which I don't mind really" the young boy quickly got to his feet, removing his chained hands from the knife in his side and shakily putting them up against the wall "50 hits sounds about fair" the man said pulling a whip out from behind him, the young boy let out helpless sob's as his back was torn up, he tried his best to stand up straight but it was proving to be much harder than he thought, after 50 hits the boys knees buckled and he fell to the floor, the world turning black before he went unconscious.

Peter put his hand over the bloody print sobbing weakly "50..hits" he whispered to himself "Pete what are you talking about" Clint said peter looked up the hook still on the ceiling, the chains oh god the chains "tony something's wrong with your kid" Clint said into his ear piece "what? what's wrong what happened" a worried voice came from the other end "I-I don't know he just looks really freaked out and scared" Clint said watching the kid who was now looking up at the ceiling at some chains.

"hold still boy" a man growled peter quickly stopped moving, the man grabbed a hold  of Pete's arms and hooked him up to the ceiling the 6 year old boy wasn't even touching the floor "now why are you being punished" the man said circling the boy "s-spoke without permission...a-and looked you I-In the eyes s-sir" the young boy said pulling himself up a little bit as the chains were braking his wrists "and what are the rules" he said picking a knife up from the table "don't look you in the eyes, don't talk without permission, do as your told, don't cry, don't fight back, know that you are bellow everyone a-and always will be" the boy said, suddenly a sharp hot pain went thru the boys side, he let out a scream of agony "ah that's another rule broken, what rule did you just brake" the man said turning the knife "d-don't scream u-unless you want me to" the boy said biting back a scream as the knife was pulled out of him "good boy". 

"don't scream" pete said he was now sat in the corner with his arm's wrapped around him "pete buddy what are you talking about" Clint said concerned, tony and Natasha were making there way here "r-rules" pete said Clint looked at him confused "what rules Pete" Clint said not noticing that tony and Natasha had just walked in almost like a robot programmed to do something peter started listing the rules "don't scream unless they want you to scream, don't cry, don't struggle, don't fight back, know your place, don't talk without permission, don't look people in the eye, know you are lower than everyone else and you should never be treated as anything other than a animal-" the list went on and on "pete stop" tony said, the boy quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking his eyes drifting to the floor "kid what are you talking about" tony said kneeling down in front of peter "the rules" 

pete was scared, his memories drifting away from him only to be replaced with pain and agony "Pete what rules, who's rules?" tony said 

"master's rules" 

pete said his voice barely above a whisper "pete what are you talking about" Natasha said pete finally looked up "I want to go home please" pete said snapping out of whatever trance he was in "pete buddy what's going on" tony said "please I just need to get out of here" pete said standing up and grabbing his mask "ok bud we'll go, ok" tony said "thank you" pete said putting his mask on. 

part 2

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