Merry christmas

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The avengers were confused when they woke up to say the least, they never did Christmas and never got each other presents so they where slightly confused to find a Christmas tree with presents under it put up in the living room along with lights and Christmas decorations.

"Friday?...w-what is all this when did this happen"

Tony asked walking over to the tree and looking at the presents under it

"Mister Parker showed up last night at 4:35am and set this up he also wished for me to wish you a merry Christmas sir"

Tony smiled and shook his head "that kid" he said as everyone also gathered round "obviously this would be Peter" Clint said crouching down and looking under the tree at the presents

"I'm guessing he got these for us as well" Clint continued grabbing a present from under the tree

"Indeed he did mister Barton" Friday answered,
Clint looked at the label on the presents before throwing it to nat. "That ones for you Nat" Clint said.

Natasha looked down at the presents in red wrapping paper and smiled before carefully opening it a small note fell out, Natasha's eyes scanned over it and she smiled

What do you get an assassin for Christmas? I've never had to think about that before but hopefully I got the answer right ~ маленький паук

Natasha opened the box that inside the wrapping wrapping paper and chuckled slightly there was a black widow plushie inside along with another box

"He got you a mini you" Wanda said looking over nat's shoulder "yeh he did" Natasha said opening the other box it was a a necklace with the engravings

'worlds best assassin'

Nat smiled and pulled out the necklaces before hanging it around her neck.

"This ones for you Bruce" Clint said throwing a green box towards him, Bruce just barely managed to catch the presents, by now everyone had gathered round and taken a seat

Bruce opened his presents to find a note and a stress ball that had the words 'keep calm and keep calm' on it

Sometimes stress balls help with stress an anger, all you gotta do is throw this at someone who's annoying you and you'll feel much better ~ Pete

Bucky got hair products with a note that read

Gotta keep them locks tamed who knows maybe you could learn to braid them ~ Peter

Wanda got one of those magic sets with a note that read

Your magics cool and everything but maybe you could learn some REAL magic ~ Peter

Clint got a big red and white target wheel with a note that read

See you say you never miss but you've yet to be able to hit me, work on your aim katniss ~ Peter

Steve got a frisbee with a note that read

Steve if you wanted a frisbee you could have just asked instead of throwing a multi million shield around ~ kid

Thor got an actual hammer with a note that read

Thor your hammers a bit excessive just use this one
~ man of spiders

Loki got a green knife with the engravings 'knives are bad do not use' along with a note that read

This is just for display please don't use it ~ mortal

Sam got a a drone with the note

A friend for redwing ~ Pete

And lastly was Tony well Tony got a mug but not just any mug no Tony got a mug that read worlds best dad along with a picture of him and Peter and a note that read

Words speak the truth mister stark ~ underoos

Everyone had a smile on there face after opening there presents and soon enough Tony stood up "where are you going" Clint asked setting his present on the side

"I'm going to the store to spoil my kid"

Tony said grabbing his wallet and walking towards the elevator


So I was grounded and this was pretty shit buttttttt I guesss I'll wish you a late Christmas and a happy new year

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