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"m-may" peter called out as he walked down the street "m-mister stark" he called, the sound of a loud crash could be heard in the distance.

suddenly peter was kneeling down in front of may, blood oozing from her head "m-may"  the boy choked out "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT" may suddenly screamed "n-no I-I Didn't mean-" Peter was cut off by someone else screaming "WHAT DID YOU DO PETER" Peter turned around and saw his uncle ben "b-ben" he cried tears falling from his eyes "you killed me peter, just like you killed may, just like you killed your parents if you hadn't been born they would still be alive!" ben spat "n-no I didn't I-" peter was cut off yet again, a loud gun shot rang thru the air, suddenly ben had blood surrounding his chest, his shirt turning red, peter watched in horror as his uncle bled out in front of him again "YOU DID THIS PETER" he yelled blood oozing out his mouth "YOU DID THIS" this time may joined in with him, Peter was now on his knees "please S-stop please" he cried covering his ears.

"I hate you" came a new voice Peters stomach dropped he looked up more tears falling from his eyes "w-wade" he cried "your just a burden just a charity raise" he said Peter shook his head his poor heart braking even more "n-no please wade d-don't say that I-I love you"  wade just stared down at peter  with disgust "what made you think I ever loved you back" he spat Peters heart broke then and there and he let out a heart braking sob "and now your just gonna cry about it, I thought you were meant to be a hero Pete" he said "I-I am." Peter managed to say "a hero really what type of hero fails to save their family".

"your not a hero"  another voice said  "m-mister stark" Pete cried not him to "you were never a hero you were just some kid that got turned into a freak" the man stated "N-No please please stop" pete cried not being able to take much more of the pain "you were never important, never have been never will be"  mister stark and wade said at the same time "please s-stop I-I'm sorry I'm sorry" Peter cried "you should be" wade said "you ruined everyone's lives you should just die" he said his eyes were cold and lifeless "please please please stop PLEASE STOP" Peter screamed "YOU SHOULD  JUST DIE PETER NO ONE WOULD MISS YOU" they all screamed together "NO PLEASE IM SORRY IM SORRY PLEASE" Pete screamed his heart braking and his soul shattering "P....TE WAKE... ..P" tony screamed "I-IM SORRY PLEASE STOP" Pete cried there was blood everywhere suddenly someone grabbed a hold of his sholders and started to shake him "p...te yo... ne...d to....wake up I...s just a....dre...m" a voice said "no one cares peter no one ever will" may said peter let out a sob "co.e on ki. your dre..ming i..s ...not real co..e on wake up" a voice said.

Peters eyes shot open and he sat up quickly sweat dripping of his forehead he sobbed again his heart still broken, suddenly arms wrapped around him and he was pulled close to someone "shh its ok kid I got you your ok"

"m-mister stark"

peter gripped onto the man's shirt "I got you kid your ok it was just a dream it wasn't real" Tony said rocking the child back and forth "m-may a-and ben...a-and" Pete couldn't finish his sentence before he let out a heart wrenching sob "I know pete I know its ok its ok" tony said trying to calm down the young teen "your ok pete whatever you saw wasn't real" the older man said "p-please don't go" peter cried against Tony's shirt "I'm not  going anywhere kid I'm not going anywhere" tony said moving them so he was laying down with pete, not letting go of him "its alright pete just go back to sleep I'm right here I got you kid, your safe" tony said Pete moved closer to tony before relaxing a bit tears still falling down his cheek "that's it kid I got you your ok" tony said rubbing the child's back, peter's grip on the mans shirt loosened a bit and before tony new it the kid was asleep, but he still didn't move he told the kid he would stay, so stay he would.    

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