fathers day breakfast

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the young 7 year old boy snuck out of his room quietly, trying not to wake anyone, it was fathers day and Pete wanted to do something for his dad, so he tried to make breakfast for him.

Pete quietly made his way down the hall towards the kitchen, it was still dark outside, and it was quite early in the morning, but the boy wanted to surprise his dad so he had to get up before him, the child made his way to the kitchen stepping quietly, when he finally got there, he turned the light on blinking a couple of times to get used to the bright light.

the boy was going to try and make pancakes for his dad and maybe some bacon because who doesn't love bacon.

Pete made his way over to the fridge and opened it looking up at the shelves, he opened the draw and grabbed the milk before putting it on the side. next he needed eggs, the boy stood on his tiptoes and tried to reach the eggs, he managed to grab the box and pull it of the shelf but a couple of eggs fell on the floor, pete would clean that up later, the boy put the eggs on the side with the milk.

next was the flour, the boy searched the cabinets for the flour after opening a couple of cabinets the boy finally found the flour and the sugar, pete grabbed a bowl and placed it on the floor, he grabbed the flour and poured it in the bowl...well some of it went in the bowl, next he cracked a couple of eggs and put them in the bowl some of the shell getting in it as well, peter grabbed the milk and unscrewed the cap before trying to poor it in the bowl, some of it spilled but that was ok.


the pancakes were done, Pete smiled at his work, they were only a little burnt but that was fine, one thing was missing, Pete stood up on his tiptoes and grabbed a glass out the cupboard, he grabbed some orange juice and pored it in the glass, some of it getting on the counter but he would clean that up with the rest of the mess.

Pete put the pancakes and drink on a tray, before carefully picking it up and carrying it out the kitchen towards his dad's room, peter opened his dad's door carefully making sure not to drop the tray, "dad?" the small boy called, he could see his dad was asleep "daddy" the boy said a bit louder, the boy got a groan in response "dad wake up" the boy wined, his dad finally sat up rubbing his eyes "Pete what are you doing it's too early to get up" tony said "I made you breakfast, happy father's day" the young boy beamed, tony sat up more and looked at his kid, Pete walked over to him and placed the tray down, tony looked at the food questionably "really kid" the man asked, Pete nodded his head and smiled brightly.

Tony took a bite of the pancake, and got a crunch "sorry there's some egg shells in there" Pete said tony just smiled his son and gotten up at 6 in the morning to make him breakfast "is it nice" Pete asked looking slightly worried "it's amazing Pete" tony said pulling his son into a hug, the kid smiled and hugged his dad "I made a small mess in the kitchen" Peter said "how much of a mess" tony asked raising an eyebrow "most of the stuff went in the bowl" Pete said "most of it?" tony asked "yeh there's some milk flour and a couple of eggs on the floor" Pete admitted "then let's go clear it up" tony said picking his son up and throwing him over his shoulder, the young boy giggled "dad put me down" he laughed "nope" tony said popping the p. 

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