don't touch my son

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Tony's head was fuzzy it felt like his eyes were glued shut, he slowly started to remember what happened, he was at the park with pete.

pete was playing...

pete was yelling...

pete was being forced into a van.

tony tried to force his eyes open, him and peter had been drugged, the only thought on his mind now was where was his son.

tony managed to peel his eyes open blinking a couple of times to get rid of his fuzzy vison, he was in a dark room, tony realised something else he was strapped to a table, the man's heart rate picked up a little bit "finally your awake" a voice said from the shadows tony turned his head in the direction of the voice, a man walked into view he had dark brown hair, bushy eyebrows, grey eyes and had a smug grin on his face "where the hell is my son" tony growled, the man chuckled "you mean that one?" he said nodding his head towards the other side of the room.

tony followed the man's gaze until his eyes landed on another table on the other side of the room with a small figure strapped to it "peter" tony said pain in his voice, but the boy didn't move he didn't even flinch.

"so that's his name, you must be daddy then since that's who he's been crying out for, for the past hour" the man said "doesn't like needles dose he" tony snapped his head back to the man.

"what. did. you. do. to. him"

tony growled the pure anger in his voice was enough to make a grown man scared, and it did just that, the man took a small step back and the smug grin was replaced with one of fear, but only for a second before the grin found its way back to the man's face, the man walked behind tony and made his way over to peter, tony pulled on the restraints around his wrists, only to fail and have the man's smirk widen, tony watched as the man ran a hand across peters arm

"don't fucking touch him!" tony yelled pulling harder on the restraints around his wrists "protective aren't we" the man said reaching for his back pocket and pulling out a pocket knife, Tony's face paled "you fucking hurt him and I swear to god I will ki-" "daddy?" tony heard a small voice whimper.

peter turned to look at his dad his brown eyes glossy with tears "oh god pete, yeh its me buddy I'm here" tony said desperately wanting to get up and comfort his kid, pete shouldn't be going through something like this he was 5 for god sakes!

"I thought you weren't going to wake up" the young boy sobbed pulling a little bit on the restraints around his wrists "I'm awake now buddy ok I'm here" tony said, the man walked up beside peter, the young boy completely oblivious he was to focused on his dad, the man took the tip of the blade and pressed it against peters arm just barely pricking the skin, peters head snapped to his arm as he felt the piercing pain.

the young boy whimpered as the man slowly started to turn the knife "d-daddy make him stop!" the young boy cried trying to pull away tony pulled as hard as he could on the restraints around his arms and legs but it was no use "STOP" tony yelled as he watched the man drag the knife down peters arm "STOP IT" tony yelled rage filling his voice, the man finally pulled the knife out.

Peter continued to sob, blood running down his arm, tony tried to comfort him as best he could but it was very hard since peter was on the other side of the room and tony couldn't hold him, "I swear I'm going to fucking kill you" tony growled glaring at the man that had hurt his child "looks like we found tony stark's weakness" the man said smiling down on peter, tony hated it

"why are you doing this?" tony said not taking his eyes of his son who was quietly sobbing, the man walked over to him "because its fun" he said, tony felt sick to the stomach how could someone find making a child scream fun? "he's just a kid" tony said mostly to himself "that makes it even more fun" the man laughed clapping his hands together loudly causing peter to flinch "you sick bastard" tony said looking up at the man, he only smiled and walked away from tony and over to a table he grabbed two needles.

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