HYDRA messed with the wrong kid - part 3

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tony hesitated a little bit before nocking on the apartment door, still trying to wrap his head around what he had been told and what he had seen

it was only a short amount of time before the door was opened, may looked up slightly surprised to see tony standing there but she let him in any way "is he ok?" tony asked may stayed silent "may?" tony asked taking a step towards her, a broken sob could be heard from down the hall "certain things...can trigger his memories, he saw his file and...he thinks I'm going to send him back...he thinks your going to take him back" may said finally, tony was shocked    

peter thought he would take him back to a place like that?

"I'm still trying to calm him down, he's scared tony" may said keeping her voice down tony turned his head towards the hallway "can I...try and calm him down," tony asked may thought about it for a minute before nodding her head.

tony walked down the hall until he came to peters door, he could hear quiet sobs and it broke the man's heart, tony took a deep breath and finally opened peter's door, heartbroken at the sight.

peter was curled up in the corner, body racked with sobs, and a thick metal collar in his hand "pete?" tony asked quietly, peters head shot up at the sound of tonys voice, peters eyes were glossed over and his cheeks were red and still slightly damp from his tears, his grip tightened on the collar in his hands.

tonys chest tightened as he saw the kid try and push himself further into the corner, body shaking vigorously, "pete..." tony spoke quietly "p-please s-sir" peter begged quietly, he knew he wasn't supposed to beg, he new he wasn't allowed to look people in the eye or talk without permission, but the boy was terrified he didn't want to go back.

"I-I'll be g-good, I-I'll b-be better I'll s-stay in my p-place p-please" peter begged, eyes darting from the collar in his hand to the man in front of him, tony could have sworn his heart just broke from having to listen to peters begging "pete, buddy look at me" tony said walking slightly closer to the terrified boy, peters head shot up at the command and he tried his best to stop crying only leaving a few tears dripping from his eyes.

the boy was also slightly confused at the nice tone and the nice words 'pete' they never used his name he was always an 'it' or a 'thing' when he was old enough to take proper orders, they stopped using his real name when he was 6, but Peter forced the thoughts aside and focused on the man in front of him "y-yes sir" the young teen said shakily still absolutely petrified, his walls could come crashing down at any moment, his emotions and fear could come flooding through at any moment.

a hurt expression crossed Tony's face as he realised that the kid had taken what he had said as an order, the man slowly walked closer to the boy, only causing peters breathing to pick up and him to start sobbing again in his mind he was trapped, cornered, helpless. "p-please, please p-please...." peter repeated over and over again, pushing himself further into the wall "pete your ok bud I'm not going to hurt you alright, no ones going to hurt you" tony said walking closer to the boy, but peter didn't hear anything he was to busy panicking, tony kept coming closer and peter couldn't take it, the boy new he would be punished badly for this if he was caught but he couldn't go back.

peter quickly got to his feet dropping the collar and ducking under Tony's arm desperately trying to get out but before the boy could even make it to the door he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind.

"NO" peter cried kicking his legs absolutely petrified "your ok pete, your ok" tony said trying to calm the kid "P-PLEASE M-MAY" peter cried body racked with sobs as he tried to pry Tony's arms of him, soon enough may came running in at the sound of peter calling her, "P-PLEASE DONT T-TAKE ME BACK, M-MAY DONT L-LET THEM TAKE ME BACK" Peter cried desperately trying to get out Tony's iron grip.

"peter your ok baby, your ok" may said walking over to the scared boy, causing peter to flinch and sob louder, peter was sobbing so hard to the point where he wasn't breathing properly, "pete, you need to breathe ok, no one going to take you back, I promise you peter no one is going to take you back ok but you need to breathe for me buddy" tony said desperately trying to calm the kid down, but peter didn't believe him he couldn't trust anyone the last time he trusted someone he was beaten for 2 hours "N-no y-your lying, Y-YOUR LYING" peter cried still trying to get out of Tony's grip, peter kicked his legs and flailed is arms around hitting tony a couple of times.

but tony took it he took every hit to kid threw at him because he new peter was terrified and he new what type of people worked at hydra, the people there were sick and manipulative, they didn't care if it was a child, baby or a adult most of them would do anything to hear people cry and scream.

so tony quickly turned the kid around and pulled him back into a hug, peter was startled non the less at the sudden action but still struggled, pushing at the mans chest "l-let me go!" pete cried hitting tony in the chest a couple of times using up more and more of his energy "p-please" peter voice came out small, helpless and broken, tony and may shared a sad look "pete listen to me ok, your name is peter Benjamin parker, your a high school student and your one of the smartest students there, you love science and you love helping people-" tony spoke rubbing peter back comfortingly as the kid started to stop struggling "-your best friends are ned, MJ and wade even though I think wade is more then just a friend to you but every time I asked you get embarrassed, your face turns red and you walk away stating your just friends-" 

the smallest smile made its way onto peters face has he stopped fighting completely and just closed his eyes listing to tony speak "- your Spiderman you help so many people even if your powers were given to you for bad intentions you use them for good kid you've helped so many people peter, your always uplifting, anyone could be in a bad mood and all they would need is to see your bright smile and hear one of your bad science puns, you just have that affect on people peter you make people happy, and I know your scared buddy but no one I going to hurt you ok, no one is going to take you back there an if someone tries they'll have to get past me and tash, Steve, Bruce there going to have to try and get pasts us all but I promise non of us will let anyone hurt you ok, your safe peter you understand me kid, your safe" tony said, peter slowly wrapped his arms around tony, tony let out a sigh of relief when peter did "s-safe?" peter asked quietly.

"yeh kid your safe" tony said, peter sighed and leaned against tony absolutely exhausted "m'sorry" peter mumbled keeping his eyes closed "you don't need to be sorry kid, its ok, now I think its time for you to go to bed bambi, I'm sure your exhausted" tony said as he felt the kid slowly start to lead on him peter only nodded weakly in response.

tony carefully picked peter up and carried him over to him bed, may followed and pulled the blankets back so tony could let peter down and when he did peter was already to out of it to do anything, may pulled the covers over peter and turned to tony "thank you" she said "no problem may" tony said "g'nigh may" peter said sleepily "good night baby" may said leaning over and kissing peter on the head.

"g'night dad"

tony was a bit taken aback by what peter had said but smiled widely and copied may by leaning down and kissing peter on the forehead

"good nigh son"





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