pet names could keep him alive

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Peter was sat on the edge of the roof swinging his legs a little bit waiting for something to happen, he kept an eye out for any suspicious activity but it was surprisingly quiet tonight but peter new that wouldn't last.

peter yelped slightly as he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind "caught you Spidey" peter sighed as he heard the voice "wade you gave me a fucking heart attack" peter said leaning against wade "don't you have your Spidey sense thing kitten" wade asked peter blushed slightly at the pet name "yes but because you're not dangerous it didn't go off" peter said still listening out for any trouble.

"Not dangerous, I'm the most dangerous person ever!" wade said throwing his hands in the air peter chuckled slightly "nope you're just a big teddy bear" peter said smirking under his mask. 

"how dare you" wade said gasping dramatically peter only laughed, but peter soon stopped laughing when he heard something "give us the money" peter just managed to make out with the help of his enhanced hearing "what wrong petey" wade asked when he saw the change in peter "there's a mugging" peter said quickly before running to the edge of the roof and jumping of, using his web shooters to swing him across the street.

peter dropped down at the entrance to the alleyway and looked in "Karan how many people are there?" he asked "there are 4 people, 3 males and 1 woman" the A.I replied peter looked over to see wade making his way over to him, "we wont hesitate to shoot you" peter heard one of the men say, that when peter decided to intervene, he quickly walked into the alleyway. 

there were 3 men surrounding a woman who was holding onto her bag tightly "didn't your mother's teach you steeling was wrong" peter said crossing his arms over his chest, catching the guys attention "well if it isn't spider boy, listen mate there's 3 of us and 1 of you what are you possibly going to do" one of the men scoffed holding up is gun and shaking it slightly.

peter heard a thump from beside him and saw wade who had just jumped down from the apartment fire exit stares, "yes.. superhero landing" peter heard wade whisper quietly, the younger smiled under his mask "actually its Spiderman, and he's not alone he's got me" wade said coming and standing next to peter, wade pulled a knife out from behind him and threw it at the guy just barley missing the guy

"you fucking idiot" the tallest guy shouted shooting the gun at peter, but peters spider sense went of allowing him to duck in time, "you should watch where you point that thing" peter said standing back up "two can play at that game" wade said pulling out one of his guns, but peter quickly stopped him "sorry Deadpool but we're not shooting anyone" peter said making sure he didn't saw wades actual name.

peter could literally hear wade pout, the sound of a bullet shot and peter watched wade doge out the way, peter quickly webbed the guy's hand to the wall "seriously watch where you point that thing" peter said webbing the guys other hand to the wall as well. 

the guy waring the big black hoodie pulled a knife out form his back pocket and made his way towards wade while the other one went to go help the guy who was webbed to the wall.

the lady had crouched down in the corner watching the fight unfold, "aw come one man" peter turned his head to see wade with a knife in his shoulder "watch the suit" wade said, peter winced slightly at the sight of the knife but he new wade would be fine but it still didn't make it easier to see.

wade easily hit the guy in the head knocking the guy out the guy that was originally webbed to the wall was now free thanks to his friend. 

"you move ill shoot her!" peter and wade stopped dead in there tracks when they saw that one of the men was pointing a gun at the lady "wow wow ok ok, just- just put the gun down" peter said getting slightly worried "guys there's no need for that" wade said taking one step forward.

peters spider sense blared and peter reacted quickly shooting a web towards the gun and pulling it towards him, but as he was pulling the gun towards him the trigger went of.

peter gasped as he felt the bullet go into him, wade looked just in time to see peter crumple to the floor. "YOU FUCKER" wade yelled pulling his own gun out from his back pocket and shooting the two men strait in the head watching there body's fall to the floor.

wade quickly turned his attention back to peter who was clutching his stomach while laying on the floor, wade quickly dropped down next to peter pulling his mask off as he did so "w-wade it hurts!" peter cried his suit was becoming drenched in blood along with the floor and his hands.

wade pulled peters mask off allowing the boy to breathe properly "I know baby I know just hold on" wade said trying to pull his phone out of him back pocket while keeping his other hand on peters which were being held over the bullet wound, finally wade got his phone out and fumbled with it for little while before putting it up to his ear

"tony there were muggers a-and peter got shot a-an-" "I know I'm on my way Karan called me" tony replied quickly 

"w-wade make i-it stop!" peter sobbed bringing wades attention back to him, wade quickly put the phone down "i wish i could baby, i wish i could, don't worry petey your dads coming ok"

"is t-this is h-how ben f-felt" peter stuttered keeping his eyes shut tightly "i-if it is t-then i deserve t-this" peter continued "no peter baby no you don't" wade said pulling the boy into his lap as gently as he possibly could, but peter still whined in pain "shh shh shh your alright baby i got you" wade said gently stroking peters head "oh god it hurts wade" peter mumbled "i know it does sweetheart it'll all be over soon" wade said.

soon enough tony landed in the alleyway, the man quickly stumbled out of his suit and made his way over to the boy and crouching down next to peter "god peter what did you do this time" the man said setting down the first aid kit he had brought with him "dad?" peter asked eyes drooping "yeh kid" peter head fell back slightly "m'seeing black s-spots" peter just barely managed to make out before the spots clouded his vision.


when peter woke up he woke up to the sound of beeping, "wade?" the young boy said remembering what had happened in the alleyway "hay angel, you feeling alright" peter heard wade say from somewhere, he felt someone grab his hand, peter managed to crack his eyes open seeing wade sitting to his left "is the lady ok?" peter asked, wade smiled at the boy "she's fine pete, its you I'm worried about" wade said stroking his thumb over peter hand "m'fine" peter said blinking to get used to the light.

"cuddles?" peter asked shyly reaching his hands out for wade "i would love to baby but i don't want to hurt you" wade said peter whined quietly "please ok i promise" peter said sadly making grabby hands at the older.

wade couldn't resist "you know i cant say no to you" wade said peter shuffled over slightly hiding a wince, wade slid into the bed and wrapped an arm around peter "you scared me baby boy" wade said quietly "m' sorry" peter said laying his head on wades chest "its ok petey, just try not to scare us like that again" wade said gently running a hand through peters hair "where my dad?" peter asked "he's outside i can get him if you want" wade said peter shook his head "just wanna cuddle" the boy said tiredly closing his eyes "we can cuddle all you want kitten" wade said closing his eyes all you could here in the room was the beep of the heart machine and the two boys breathing. 

thinking about doing some stony what you think?

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