school is meant to be a safe place

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Today was going normally for peter, happy dropped him off at school, he had gotten death glares from flash, him and Ned talked about Lego and star wars, the day was going like any other day.

Pete was in chemistry, taking down notes on how to improve his web shooters, everything was going fine, Miss Smith was talking about stuff Pete already new, Ned was paying attention to the lesson, 

Everything was going fine until a gunshot sounded outside, everyone's eyes turned to the window, a couple minutes later the lock down bell sounded, kid's started freaking out as the teacher locked the door and closed the blinds, Pete would have been able to deal with this but his web shooters were in his locker and the bell was hurting his ears.

Another gunshot sounded but this time it was closer to the school, some kid's started crying, the teacher turned the lights off, ushering the kids to be quiet pete held his breath he could here the door open from down the hall because of his enhanced hearing, he tensed up a little bit, Ned looked at him worriedly pete could here footsteps coming down the hall. 

another gun shot sounded but this time it was inside the school, a couple of kids cried out in fear, pete put a hand over his mouth to stop himself from crying, he could here men talking down the hall, there were about 2 of them, "go grab a kid from the classroom down there, make sure its a innocent looking one" he heard a gruff voice say, footsteps made there way down the hall to his classroom, a couple of tears built up in Pete's eyes as he heard the sound of a gun being loaded, if this was outside of school pete would be able to deal with this, but no this was in school, his school, he wasn't Spiderman he was peter parker.

the footsteps stopped outside the classroom door, a few tears ran down Peters face and he wasn't the only one crying, there was a nock on the door "you can either  open the door or I can kick it down" a voice said from outside the teachers eyes drifted to the door then back to the kid's she put a finger over her mouth singling them to be quiet, Pete's spider sense went off and a bullet went through the door one of the girls cried out, the door was suddenly kicked down.

most of the kids cried out, peter let out a sob and Ned moved further back into the corner he was in, a man walked in looking like he was in his late thirty's he had scruffy black hair and a messy beard, his eyes scanned the room, before they stopped on a girl peter new as Alice "you" he said "stand up and come here"  he said Alice shook her head tears falling freely.

"don't make me ask again" he said raising his gun Alice quickly stood up "y-you cant" the teacher said the man pointed the gun at her "watch me" he said  "STOP" Peter said quickly standing up the man turned to him, now all eyes were on him "leave her" Pete said he didn't know what he was doing but he couldn't risk someone loosing there life "and why should I" the man asked "s-she has a family and people t-that care about her" Pete said the man scoffed "and you don't" peter stopped to think for a moment before shaking his head.

"sorry kid we're looking for someone who's cared about, someone who will be worth paying for" the guy said pulling Alice towards the door "Peter knows tony stark!" flash said quickly the guy turned back around everyone stared at flash "I-its true right parker" he said looking over at peter, peter hated flash for saying that but was also thankful "yeh" peter said realising that the man might let Alice go " the real tony stark" the man said "would he miss you if you died" Peter thought for a moment would tony care, peter was surely just a burden to the man, but this was Alice's life at stake "yes" Peter said the guy threw Alice back "Here now" he said with a cold voice Peter quickly got up only to have Ned grab his hand "Peter please don't" he said sounding desperate "I'm sorry Ned" he said pulling his hand out of his best friends grip.

the man grabbed peter By the shoulder quite roughly, Before leading him out the classroom, peter felt something cold get pressed against his temple, a gun, the kid sucked in a breath and closed his eyes, allowing himself to get led towards the school door's.


tony was In a meeting when his phone went off, he ignored it and continued to listen to the man speaking, it wasn't long after before his phone went off again, he quickly pulled it out his pocket it was a text from ned with one word that made his heart stop for a moment 'SOS' "excuse me I have to take this" tony said standing up quickly he didn't even wait for a replied he just walked out the room and called ned "what's wrong" he said as soon as ned picked up "p-peter- a-and a-the school shooter a-and he took h-I'm a-and I-I" Ned rushed out "ned slow down" tony said.

"there's a school shooting and they took peter" tony was already calling his suit "I'm coming".


"You try anything and I won't hesitate to shoot you and everyone else in this school" the man said pushing the gun harder against peters head, Pete bit his lip, he was led outside, blue and red lights flashing everywhere "let the kid go" a man said thru a speaker, that hurt peter's ears the man holding him replied with a simple no "you give us £3 Billion and we'll let the kid go" a man said, the guy that was holding peter had a tight grip on the back of Peter's neck, hard enough to leave bruises, Pete was scared he wasn't going to lie "let the kid go first!" a police man said, some people were now crowding round to see what was happening "y-you don't have to do thi-" peter didn't even finish his sentence when the gun was bashed against his head, he blinked a couple of times, everything was blurry and his head was throbbing "I didn't tell you, you could speak" the man said, Pete's head was going fuzzy "look we can reason with you but just put the gun down and let the kid go" another police man said, pete could tell the man was getting frustrated, the grip on his neck tightened if possible, the boy let out a quiet whimper.

"PETER" peter heard someone yell he looked over and saw MJ running towards them from the school door's the man pointed the gun at her, Pete's spider sense was going crazy, "NO" pete yelled he quickly grabbed the gun, him and the man wrestled with the gun before the trigger was pulled.

Peter felt a sharp hot pain go thru his chest, he gasped and crumpled to the floor, another gun shot sounded, one of the Police men had shot the man, pete held onto his chest blood oozing out of the wound "KID" someone else yelled, tony, pete could hear Tony's suit, pete could hear tony "oh god kid" tony said falling next to the boy "mi-ster stark" pete said pain still in his chest "I'm here kid your going to be ok" the man said an ambulance was already coming, MJ came a kneeled next to peter "hurt's real bad mister stark" pete said wincing slightly "I know kid just hold on" the man said, the life was leaving peters eyes, pete was tired he just wanted to sleep "m' going to sleep" peter slurred, it was getting harder to stay awake, "No no pete stay awake for me come on buddy stay awake" was the last thing peter heard before darkness consumed him          

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