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a chunk of cement was thrown past Pete but he quickly dodged it swinging out the way "you should work on your aim" he called dodging another beam of light, the alien looking thing  continued to shoot at him, Pete fired a web at the thing sticking it to a wall "I don't even know what these things are" he said "their aliens Pete" Tony said through the earpiece in Pete's suit "yeh but they have like weird tentacle thingy's and ugh" Pete shudder he could hear Clint laughing on his side of the microphone "Pete their aliens what did you expect" Tony said "something tall and green with a big head and ET fingers" Peter mumbled webbing up another alien he could hear people laughing, Clint and Bucky to be precise.

Pete could hear yelling from a building, a family, he quickly swung over to the window of the apartment, it was on fire, "Hey guys I'm gonna get you out ok" Pete said the family nodded, Pete fired a web at the youngest kid and slowly lowered them out the window, next was the little boy, he made sure to watch the youngest while he was lowering the boy down, next he got the lady down, and finally he got the man down but before Pete could climb down his spider-sense went off he quickly jumped out the way but not quick enough a tentacle wrapped itself around Pete "hay I didn't say you could pick me up!" he yelled at the thing he didn't even have time to react when he was launched into the sky and smashed into a broken building.

pain shot through his body and his side and he let out a scream of agony as he hit the floor, a white hot pain shooting through his lower side "PETE" he heard tony worried voice shout in his ear "m' fine I-I im good I just-" pete stopped talking when he tried to get up, pain shooting through his lower side he cried out in agony and fell back down he lifted his head and looked at his lower body and wished he didn't a large bloody metal pole was lodged in him, he had gone straight through it "oh god" he said resting his head back down "what is it kid what happened" tony said pete shut his eyes tightly trying to ignore the pain that was coursing though him "I c-cant get up" peter said shakily trying his best to not move "what do you mean you cant get up" tony said worry in his voice "I-ugh god" pete said breathing heavily he was bleeding out quickly everything was going slightly fuzzy "m' pole an- ugh" pete sucked in a sharp breath "pete kid what happened "ugh t-there a ah fuck it hurts" pete cried as he coughed causing his whole body to move and pain to flair up in his side "there's a-a pole in m-my side, c-cant move" peter finally got out "hold on kid I'm coming" tony said.

pete couldn't stop the tears that fell down his cheek, Peter coughed again pain flaring up in his body "hang on kid I'm almost there" Pete could hear tony say, when Tony finally got there he gasped at what he saw "oh god kid" he said flying over to him "h-hay tony" peter whimpered tony landed next to Pete he quickly told Bruce to get the med bay ready "I-it hurts" Peter said jaw clenching "hang on Pete I'll get you out" Tony said he quickly fired a beam of light at the pole slowly cutting it in half, Pete bit his tongue to suppress a scream.

soon enough tony cut through the pole, Natasha and Steve had joined him getting some of the rubble off of Peter, Pete was struggling to stay awake he had lost a lot of blood "ok Pete, this is gonna hurt a lot , but I need to get you off this thing" Tony said dreading what had to be done next, Pete shut his eyes tightly and nodded his head, Tony slowly started to lift Peter up, Pete cried out in pain "your doing great Pete" Steve said Bruce was outside in the quinjet with the med bay ready.

tony finally got Pete off the pole, Pete was trying his best to stay awake but the pain was unbearable, "almost there Pete" Tony said he was carrying Pete as quickly as he could to the jet scared for the kids life, "m' tired" Pete mumbled "no no no don't go to sleep Pete stay awake for me" Tony said but Peter had already closed his eyes and drifted off into a black obis.


peter woke up to the sound of beeping he slowly cracked his eyes open, it took him a while to adjust to the bright light it was blinding at first, he groaned and looked around, tony was sat in a chair asleep next to him Clint and Natasha were asleep on a sofa on the other side of the room, Steve was sat on the floor leaning against the wall and so was Wanda, pete sat up a little bit blinking a couple more times "pete?" peter looked towards the door and saw Bruce "hi doctor banner" pete mumbled tiredly "how you feeling" he asked coming over and standing next to the bed "sore..." pete said frowning a little bit "I'd expect so you did get impaled" he chuckled, pete heard shuffling and soon enough Steve opened his eyes, he looked around before his eyes landed on peter "pete!" he exclaimed standing up causing everyone else to wake up.

"pete" most of them yelled standing up" pete winced at the loudness "sorry" they said tony pulled his kid into a hug "don't you ever do that to me again" he said "I wont" pete mumbled "your grounded until you leave school" tony added pulling away "your grounding me for getting impaled" peter said raising an eyebrow "yes, yes I am" tony said pete laughed.          

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