she's gone

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peter didn't know what was happening, one minute he was sat with may and the next minute a load of machines started beeping and he was being pushed out the way by doctors, peter was scared, may couldn't die, no she wouldn't die she couldn't leave him, she promised she wouldn't leave him.

doctors were yelling at each other nurses were trying to get peter out the room but peter wouldn't move, he was frozen and his eyes stayed glued to may, her lifeless body being poked and prodded in hopes of bringing her back "m-may" peter choked out trying to move closer to her but he was being held back "please" he begged hoping somehow she would here him "don't do this to me" he cried the nurses watched with sadness as the young boy continued to plead and call out to his aunt.

the doctors were doing everything they could but it wasn't working they didn't want to call out her time of death in front of a kid but it had to be done she was dead, she had to be put to rest, the doctors stopped what they were doing and peter watched wide eyed "n-no n-no you've got to save her...y-you no you've got to save her" Pete pleaded one of the doctors walked over to the kid "I'm sorry kid there's nothing we can do she's in a better place now" he said putting a hand on the kids shoulder, peter shook his head franticly tears flooding his eyes, he shoved the man's hand of his shoulder "N-NO please s-she has to make it" Peter cried trying to get to his aunt but the doctor pushed him back "kid there's nothing we can do why don't we call your parent's and-" Peter cut him off "I D-Don't have parents s-she's all I have left please, M-MAY Y-YOU NEED TO WAKE UP PLEASE" Pete yelled trying to get to her, if he was in his right state of mind he would be able to push the doctors out the way but he was to emotional, he was to scared "hay hay kid you need to calm down" one of the nurses said "N-NO MAY PLEASE, PLEASE YOU PROMISED ME" Pete cried as the doctors tried to get him out the room.

tony was sat on the sofa with Steve, Natasha and Rodney when FRIDAY started to talk "sir you have an incoming call from Queens hospital would you like me to put them thru" Tony's heart stopped for a few seconds "put them thru" tony said quickly hoping that they were calling to say that may had woken up and not what he was thinking of, there was a click before a lady's voice started talking "hello is this mister stark " she asked "speaking" tony said, a giant knot in his stomach "were sorry but may parker has sadly passed" she spoke, everyone's eyes widened "were sorry for your loss but we need you to come collect mister parker, he is highly emotional and is refusing to leave her room" she spoke again tony quickly stood up "I'm on my way" he spoke there was a click and the call ended "oh god peter" Natasha said putting her hands over her mouth "Steve can you come with me its going to be hard to get him to leave" tony said quickly putting his coat on "sure" Steve said, he felt so bad for the kid, peter had become family and the kid had had enough the deal with at such a young age.

when tony got to the hospital it was raining heavily, he didn't waste any time getting to mays hospital room, as he got closer to the hospital room he could here crying, he could here his kid crying his heart out, the man's chest tightened has he heard peter pleading for may to wake up "MAY PLEASE-P-PLEASE YOU PROMISED Y-YOU PROMISED" he heard the kid cry he couldn't take it he opened may's door with Steve following behind him, when he walked in he saw two doctors holding peter who was a emotional wreck, he was reaching out to may trying to get out of the doctors grip, one man was standing in front of him holding him still and the other one was behind him holding onto his shirt "PLEASE S-SHE CANT DIE SHE'S ALL I HAVE P-PLEASE" the kid cried out completely oblivious that tony and Steve were there, Steve didn't like seeing the kid in this much distress, it was heart braking, tony could see that the kid wasn't breathing right, he slowly walked over to Pete "hay kid" he said kneeling down in front of Peter the kid stopped sobbing but tears continued to fall "m-mister stark" the kid sobbed weakly, the doctors didn't let go of peter yet, "I'm right here kid I'm right here" tony said keeping his voice quiet, he wiped away some of peter's tears with his thumb, tony didn't have time to react when peter threw himself at him , quickly wrapping his arms around him and crying his poor heart out, tony quickly wrapped his arms around peter "its ok Pete shhh shh shh It's ok" he said trying to calm peter down "please mister stark p-please" peter sobbed "please what Pete" tony said rubbing the kids back "bring her back" Peter cried "Pete...I cant bring her back bud" tony sighed "I don't want to be alone!" the kid cried.

Steve came over and crouched down next to Peter "your not alone Pete ok , were with you all the way" Steve said "I-I need her back" Peter cried trying to get over to may but tony quickly stopped him "Pete there's nothing we can do, It's time to go" tony said trying to get the kid to leave, peter started freaking out "N-no no no I cant leave her I-I CANT" he said trying to get to may again this time cap stood in he wrapped his arms around peter from the back getting him in a death grip "Pete Pete its ok she'll understand" tony said trying to reason with his kid "she's all I had left, she was all I had left" peter said his voice barely above a whisper he had started breathing a bit slower "Pete I know it hurts ok but we will get thru this ok" tony said wiping away some Peters tears "I-its all my fault" the kid cried "no pete its not your fault, you didn't know it was going to happen" tony said pete struggled a bit in steve's arms "I promised ben I-I would take care of her" Pete sobbed "Pete I know it hurts ok I've been there bud and I know it hurts but we'll take care of you and things will get better your family pete and we take care of family" tony said  "p-promise"  Peter whispered "I promise" tony said peter stopped struggling and went limp Against Steve, Steve turned peter around and picked him up peter rested his head on Steve's shoulder absolutely exhausted, Steve carried peter out the room and tony turned towards may "I will protect your nephew with my life may, I promise" tony said before leaving the room.    

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