Im sorry (A/N)

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating everything's just been getting harder to do it's getting harder to get out of bed in the morning getting harder to sleep and I can't cope with anything anymore

I'm not giving up on this book but I kinda am giving up on myself like today I hurt someone cuz they were annoying me and I cry over the smallest things like when someone doesn't listen to me or the fact that my parents aren't coming to my sports day

I guess that's what you get for Bottling everything up it's getting harder to pay attention in lessons I haven't eaten in a while  I don't want to eat.

And I'm so fucking tired

I'm tired of everyone's shit every single lie every single time I have to lie and tell someone I'm fine I just feel numb then depressed then angry and I fucking hate it I just want someone to hug me I just need someone to hug me I'm craving it but I'm the tough one at school so I'm not aloud to be affectionate and it's not normal for me to want a hug but I need one I just want it to be quiet.

I promise you I'll try and update I'm so sorry but once I get my fucking shit together I will write again

Love you all your comments get me up in the morning even if I don't want to and you deserve so much better than what I'm giving you


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