Daddys little superhero

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To say Tony was bored was an understatement, the man was currently sat at a table listening to Steve rant about something.

The billionaire had dumbly agreed to let the ex avengers come and stay at the tower, why you may ask?

Fury was very persistent, and why Fury thought it was a good idea for them to stay had yet to come to Tony's knowledge.

Tony had denied it completely at first, I mean his son was his top priority and if something was to happen to Peter because he had let people stay at the tower the man would never forgive himself.

Not to mention no one knew about the four year old that was currently part of Tony's life.

But here Tony was sat at the end of a table rubbing his temples while listing to 4 people trying to talk to him at once.

I could really use a drink

Tony thought as he put his head in his hands "I can see your annoyed ste-" Tony started before he was rudely interrupted

"I'm more than just annoyed Tony, why can't you just be responsible!" Steve yelled he had used the word responsible 6 times in the space of two minutes

Tony groaned, this conversation was going nowhere, the man was debating whether to program Friday to get him out of situations like this because the way this conversation was going it wouldn't be too long until Tony started yelling, then he'd probably punch steve and then he'd probably lock himself in his lab.

"You have no respect Tony, not for any of us or anyone other than yourself, you're always thinking about yourself!" Sam joined in, Tony just groaned in response

"And another thing-" Steve was cut off by the door opening


Tony new that shaky voice anywhere "Petey?" The man asked spinning around in his chair so he was facing the door, just then a small teary-eyed child poked his head around the door.

The small boy had curly brown hair and matching brown eyes Which were currently filled with tears, the mysterious child was dressed in Ironman pajamas and had a teddy bear held tightly in his hand as the other one wiped at his eyes

"'t-" peters voice trailed off as he noticed the other people in the room the boy looked at his father then back at the strangers before taking a small step back, his grip on his bear becoming tighter

"C'mere baby" Tony said gently opening his arms, he could almost sense peters fear, it wasn't long before Peter was wrapped in Tony's arms, the older man ran his fingers through peters hair as he leaned back against his chair

"You have another nightmare bambi"

Tony felt Peter nod into his shoulder, the man soon remembered he wasn't the only one in the room he looked up to see everyone looking at him, confused and almost amazed looks on there faces.

"I-I went to go find you" Peter sniffled "b-but you weren't in your room" Peter finished bringing his head out of Tony's shoulder and looking him in the eyes

"Aww I'm sorry buddy, daddy was just...clearing up some business, but he's done now" Tony said brushing some hair away from peters eyes and standing up

"Wait Tony-" Steve said but Tony wasn't prepared to let Peter watch him and Steve argue "Friday will show you where your rooms are" Tony said turning to face the team.

"I've got to get him back to bed I'm sure your capable of getting to your rooms from here, other than that lovely seeing you all again and goodnight"

Tony adjusting Peter on his hip so the boy could now clearly see the team "say bye-bye Pete" Tony said Peter just rested his head on his dad's shoulder and gave a small shy wave.

"See you all in the morning" Tony said exiting the room with Peter in his arms leaving the team behind

"Friday said you would be in there" Peter said, Tony looked down at him "did she now?" The man said walking into the kitchen and over to the fridge

"Yeh I was gonna wait in your room...but I got scared...m'sorry" Peter said hanging his head, Tony placed Peter on the countertop and lifted his chin with his finger

"Hay, you don't need to apologise bud, and plus you saved daddy, I thought I was going to die of boredom!" Tony said dramatically causing Peter to giggle, both of them unaware of the eyes that were watching them

"Was that a giggle I heard?" Tony said furrowing his eyebrows and resting his hand on the counter either side of Peter

"No" Peter giggled "I think It was" Tony said his hands coming up to peters sided "no no no-" Peter burst into a fit a laughs and giggles as Tony began to tickle him

"D-daddy! S-stop-" peter giggled squirming around trying to get out of Tony's grip "hmm, you know I don't think I will"

"P-please!" Peter laughed "alright, what are the Magic words?" Tony asked

"Iron Mans the b-best!"

Finally tony retracted his hands back to look through the fridge, leaving peters giggling to subconsciously die down

"Your silly" Peter said swinging his legs "uh no your silly" Tony said ruffling peters hair



This caused Peter to giggle again, Tony gave Peter a side glance and smirked

"no no no! your not silly, I'm sorry!" Peter said, arms wrapping around his stomach to protect himself from more tickles

"Yeh that's what I thought" Tony said grabbing the milk out the fridge and grabbing two glasses out the cupboard, he placed one of the glasses of milk in the microwave and took a sip of the other one.

This had become a common thing now, Peter continued to have the same dream about ether him being taken away from Tony or Tony being taken away from him, that's as much as Tony had pieced together at least.

Peter would wake up crying and try to go find Tony, if the man wasn't already there, and after he had found him they would drink warm milk and cuddle up on the sofa until everything was peaceful again.

Just then a small sniffle brought Tony's attention back to the small boy who was sitting on the counter.

Fresh tears were running down his face and his hands were frantically trying to wipe them away

Tony lifted Peter off the counter and back into his arm, this only caused the boy to cry louder, the billionaire ran a comforting hand up and down peters back as he let him cry

"daddy" Peter cried loudly his hands gripping on tightly to Tony's shirt

"Shhh shh shh, it's ok" Tony spoke gently "y-you-you w-weren't t-there" Peter sobbed brokenly

"It was just a dream Peter, daddy's not going anywhere, I got you bud" tony said swaying Peter slightly in his arms

"I-I don't w-wanna go"

"You're not going anywhere buddy, I promise, I've got you, no one's gonna take daddy away from you and no one's gonna take you away from daddy alright?"

Tony kept his voice quiet and gentle as he spoke trying his best to calm the troubled boy in his arms

"P-promise?" Peter sniffled rubbing his eyes, Tony placed a kiss to peters forehead "I promise"

Tony wiped away peters tears with his thumb and walked over to the microwave with his son still in his arms

"Now how bout me and you go curl up on the sofa and watch a movie" Tony said passing Peter his glass of warm milk, Peter hummed and laid his head on his dad's shoulder

"Alright then" Tony said walking into the living room and turning on the tv

Meanwhile, the rest of the Avengers were standing in silence after witnessing what had just happened

"Oh my god" Clint said breaking the silence "He's such a dad!"

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