"They're just words, I'm ok"

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peter kept his head down as he walked into the elevator tears still racing down his cheeks, the boy desperately tried to stop crying but he couldn't he was to hurt not just physically but emotionally as well, peter had told happy that he was going to walk home because he didn't want anyone to see him like this.

"hello peter you seem to be in a lot of distress, you have two broken ribs a sprained wrist, bruising on your lower stomach a  black e-" the A.I was cut of by peter interrupting her "I'm fine FRIDAY ok I'm ok I just wanna go to my room ok" peter said still trying to stop crying, the elevator started moving and peter pulled his hoodie over his face more trying to hide as the doors opened.

"hay kid" tony said as he heard the elevator doors open "hay mister stark..." peter said quietly keeping his head down, tony turned to look at the kid when he heard peter "you alright kid?" tony asked standing from his place on the sofa when he saw the kid limp past, limping, that was already a bad sign "m'fine mister stark just tired." peter said trying to stop his voice from cracking but It did and tony heard it "kid wait" tony said as peter tried to walk away "seriously I'm fine mister stark I'm just tired" peter lied. 

but tony could see right through the kid "your limping pete that's not alright what happened" tony said walking over and standing in front of the kid, peter kept his head down hoping that mister stark wouldn't see his face "I just tripped ok please mister stark just leave it" peter said trying to walk past tony but the man just simply grabbed peter by the shoulders peter hissed slightly in pain "kid look at me " tony said but peter just looked away "tony please just let go" peter said his voice quivering slightly. 

and that's when tony saw the tears gathering on peters chin, "peter take the hood off" tony said still not letting go of the kid "I'm fine ok just-please mister stark I just wanna go to my ro-" peter was cut of when the his hood was pulled down, peter kid gasped and went to cover his face but it was to late tony had already seen the damage and stood there wide eyed.

the word 'FAGGOT' was written on peters forehead in bold black permanent marker.

the word 'SLUT' was written on his left cheek.

and the word 'FREAK' was written on his right cheek.

the kid also had a black eye and a split lip "kid...who the-" tony stopped and just looked at peter his mouth slightly open In shock, more tears started to fall when peter realised tony hadn't even seen the worst of it, tony reacted quickly when he saw the tears start to fall 

"hay pete, its ok bud don't cry"

 tony said pulling the kid into a hug causing peter to cry out in pain, tony quickly let go "kid what happened" tony asked still looking at the words on peters face "they were just- its- they" peter stumbled on his words trying to come up with a good lie

"peter stop ok, I need you to tell me the truth, who did this" tony said in a stern voice, peter sighed there was no getting out of this "everyone..." peter said quietly "they held me down in the changing rooms after gym...and well you can see what they did" peter said avoiding eye contact.

"kid..." tony was at a loss for words, almost everyone and ganged up on his kid, held him down and drew all over him, peter winced and held onto his stomach, tony eyed him up and down "pete I'm guessing something else happened" tony said peter nodded his head slowly tony sighed "come on lets get you to the med bay" tony said peter followed willingly.

when they got down to the med bay Bruce was already down there peter looked down and tried to cover his face "Bruce I need your help" tony said peter kept his head down, Bruce walked over to the two "what happened" Bruce said tony nudged peter slightly "show him your face pete" tony said.

peter looked up a Bruce, the man studied peter face his skin turning slightly green "what the hell happened" Bruce said sounding slightly angry "just some stupid kids" peter sighed looking back down "would you mind taking your shirt off" Bruce said, peter prepared himself, knowing that it looked pretty bad under his shirt, but the boy took it off anyway.

tony and Bruce sucked in a breath as peter took his shirt off, there were dark purple bruises on his lower stomach along with a couple of bruises littered around his chest but the worst part was that there were more words on his back.

so many horrible words were written on his back, orphan, fat, nerd, wimp, embarrassment, disappointment, bitch and many more "they wont come off..." peter said motioning to the words on his back "pete..." both men were at a loss of words peter kept his head down 

"FRIDAY do a scan"

"peter has two broken ribs, a sprained wrist, bruising on his lower stomach, a dislocated shoulder, a black eye and a split lip" FRIDAY spoke, peter sighed "I'm calling the school" tony said, peters head quickly shot up

"no please mister stark don't the bruises will almost be gone by tomorrow I'm fine really" peter said standing up

"kid it doesn't mater if the bruises are gone by tomorrow its still happened, this-" tony said motioning to peters face and back "-is not ok pete they don't get to do this to you and get away with it" tony said "tony's right kid" Bruce said joining in "this isn't ok"

"please just don't call the school, I'll tell them to stop just please don't" peter pleaded tony looked at the kid "I'll tell them to stop I promise just please, leave it" peter begged, tony sighed "fine, I wont do anything but if this happens again I'm calling the school, now lets go get that stuff off your face" tony said leading the kid towards the door 

"tony I still have to patch him up" Bruce said "we'll get this of your face after Bruce patches you up"      


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