flash just doesn't know when to stop

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requested by  kacies_girlfriend

peter was sat on the park bench waiting for wade to show up, it was Saturday and they had arranged to go out for lunch so peter was waiting in the park watching the kids run around and climb on the climbing frames when suddenly his spider sense started to buzz he quickly looked around until he spotted the danger.


flash was here 'shit' peter thought he kept his head down hoping that either flash wouldn't see him or wade would get here but his parker luck struck him when flash spotted him and started walking towards him "well look who it is" flash said now standing in front of peter "penis parker" he answered himself "go away flash" peter said still not looking up "and why would I do that parker, what you doing out here all by yourself anyway, you homeless parker, did your dear aunt may finally die" he laughed peter felt tears come to his eyes and anger boiling in his stomach "shut up flash she's not dead" peter growled "well not yet at least but soon enough peter your going to be all alone" he taunted peter felt tears rolling down his face "shut up flash she's not dead and she's not going to die" peter said now finally looking up, flash laughed at the fact that peter was already crying flash leaned forward "she's going to die just like the rest of your family" he said

"you know nothing about my family" peter growled he was trying so hard to not hit flash, he new he could probably kill flash with a couple of punches but he didn't want to hurt him he could deal with him "I know quite a lot about your family penis, I know your parents hated you so much that they killed themselves, same with your uncle and soon enough may is going to die, its like your just bad luck peter everyone around you seems to die" flash said peter was trying his best to keep himself together but flash was right everyone around him dies peter shook his head to get the negative thoughts out "you should go before wade get's here or your not going to have a good time" peter mumbled.

flash just laughed "wade as In your fake boyfriend, just like your internship with stark, fake" flash spat before peter or flash could say anything, flash felt a tap on his shoulder he turned around to see a guy towering over him he had a hoodie on with the hood up but flash could still see his face it was scarred with burn marks "I heard my name" the guy stated peter quickly stood up and wiped his eyes before rushing over to his boyfriend "hay wade" Pete said hugging wade and burying his face in his shirt trying to stop the tears "hay baby boy sorry I'm late" wade said putting a hand on peters back "are you kidding me" flash laughed "baby boy what kinda name is that" he laughed Pete could here wade growling "my name its my nickname he gave me and I think its cute so shut up" Pete replied turning to flash "lets go wade" he said pulling his boyfriend away "so you really are a fag" flash said not stopping the taunting "excuse me?" wade said angrily turning around "wade wade please lets just go" peter said pulling at his boyfriend desperately "so this is your boyfriend parker, he looks like a fucking raison" flash scoffed this time it was wade's turn to shrink back, wade was highly self conscious, he pulled his hood down even further "what's the mater couldn't find the fire extinguisher, if I were you I wouldn't even come outside at a-" flash didn't even get to finish his sentence when he was tackled to the floor.

peter was pissed, he was beyond pissed he could deal with people making fun of him but wade no, no one would make fun of wade and get away with it, peter was to full of rage and pent up anger that he didn't realise what he was doing he just threw punches punch after punch after punch. wade was watching wide eyed peter was beating the Absolut shit out of flash, when wade saw peter wrap his hands around flashes neck he quickly reacted, he rushed forward and grabbed peter "Pete let go, you've got to let go,  pete baby boy you've got to let go for me" he rushed out trying to pry peters hands off the boys neck, peter suddenly snapped out of it and let go, flash quickly gasped for air and brought his  hand up to his neck coughing violently, wade would have let peter kill him but he new how much guilt peter would feel afterwards  "you make fun of me all you want, you hurt me all you want but if you ever, ever, talk about wade like that again you will never breathe again" peter growled wade grabbed a hold a peters shoulders and slowly pulled him away from flash "its ok Pete lets go ok" wade said peter turned around and grabbed wades hand before walking of with him leaving a very confused and pissed off flash on the floor. 

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