it's gonna be okay...alright?

905 33 15

I'm in a bad place at the moment so I need to find a way to get my feelings out because the school said they would help me but they have yet to do that, my parents have yet to help me or send me to therapy and my friends are probably tired of me and I feel like everyone's leaving, I'm sorry if that hurts you in some way but I promise I'm trying to sort myself out.

sorry for the rant.

this chapter involves self-harm, suicidal thoughts, depression and just a shit ton of pain.

It's also hella long so get some snacks while your at it.


"mister stark?" peter said gently rubbing a hand up and down his arm in an attempt to comfort and calm himself down.

he was watching mister stark rush around the living room grabbing sheets of paper that were scattered around, also known as important documents, and why they were scattered around the living room no one knew.

"yeh kid?" tony rushed out, eyes not looking up from the documents he was scanning, "I was wondering if I could to you about something?" peter asked his right arm moving to scratch at the skin on his left arm, his nerves getting the best of him.

tony winced slightly and looked towards peter "kid...i would love to but I don't really have time right now...maybe we can talk later?" tony said grabbing another piece of paper that was lying on the coffee table

he doesn't have time for you


no one has time for you

Peter winced at the voice in his head, his eyes becoming glossed over as he scratched harder against his arm, the painful feeling in his chest returned, it was a mix between a small heartbreak and feeling the need to cry, a lump in his throat formed as he fought back the urge to sob.

"yeh sure that's..." peter trailed off as he realized Tony had already left the room, the need to cry grew stronger as the boy blinked back tears and shuffled out the room towards his bedroom.

when peter got to his room he quickly opened his door and shut it behind him, his chest feeling heavy as he sobbed quietly. Pete slid down the door his hands making their way to pull at his curly hair, tears rapidly falling from his eyes as he tried to take deep breaths

"you're ok" peter sobbed quietly to himself, eyes squeezed tightly shut as his breath got even more ragged

you're not ok.

"stop!" peter sobbed, curling in on himself more "please stop...-I can't- please"

you're never going to be ok

Peter cried out loudly, his hands pulling harder at his hair, panic and pain washing over his body, peter was barely taking time to breathe between his crying, his body shaking uncontrollably as he sat on the floor in his dark empty room.


Peter laid on the floor, his body propped up against the door, his chest rising a falling slowly he felt exhausted, his face was damp and red and his eyes were sore and puffy from crying. he had calmed down from whatever had just happened to him and was now left feeling numb and tired leaning against his bedroom door.

Peter looked down at his arms and bit his lip, they where red a raw from him scratching them so harshly, Pete let his head bang against the door as he leaned it back.

Why is this happening to me?

Peter took a breath and closed his eyes, the need to cry hadn't left, the boy just didn't have the energy to cry.

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