cuddles - part 2 - you better run flash

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requested by lichtschatten2401

pete slowly opened his eyes groaning as he did so, he closed his eyes again due to the bright light a buried his head back into his pillow, he heard someone chuckle, he looked up to see wade and not a pillow.

"morning sunshine" Wade said looking down at the boy who had just woken up, pete looked much better, the bag's under his eyes weren't as dark and he just overall looked better "morning" pete said groggily wade started to play with his curls  "how long was I asleep" peter asked laying his head back down, wade continued to play with his curls which was surprisingly relaxing 

"18 hours" 

wade said peter looked up at wade in shock "18 hours!" peter said his voice slightly raised "you've been here for 18 hours" peter said looking at his boyfriend in shock "you were tired and needed sleep pete I wasn't going to move and risk waking you up."

and that was true wade stayed there for 18 hour's because he was scared of waking pete up, and he looked to peaceful to be disturbed "you really stayed here 18 hours so I could sleep?" peter asked "yep, but its fine the view was actually quite nice" wake said smirking down at the younger, peter blushed and looked away, Wade chuckled at his action "your adorable you know that" he said peter's cheeks flushed a darker red which wade thought was adorable "shut up" peter whined, wade laughed.

(time skip brought to you by an angry tony stark)

pete was walking down the hall, it was his last lesson he had survived the day with only a couple of insults thrown at him by flash nothing so bad, but he could feel that something bad was coming, he had refused to do flashes homework which was probably a bad idea.

pete was in English, he had managed to finish his project on William Shakespeare but he hadn't done flashes, he didn't have time to do flashes, he didn't want to do flashes and flash claimed he was smarter than peter all the time so he should be able to do his own project.

peter got an A on his project which he was quite happy with but flash got an F because he had not done his, pete could feel flashes eyes burning into the back of his head during class so when the lesson ended pete didn't was waste anytime grabbing his bag and hurrying out the door, pushing past the sea of people in the corridor, his spider sense was buzzing and there were to many things happening at once, to many people were talking, there were to many smells.

peter was almost at the school doors when he was pulled backwards, the sudden action caused him to fall over and hit his head on the floor  the world going slightly blurry for a little while, when peter's vision became clear again he could see an angry flash looking down at him "you got me an F parker" he growled, peter held a hand to the back of his head which was now throbbing with pain, a crowed was gathering around the two.

 "well if you were as smart as you claim you are you should have been able to do it yourself"

peter said going to get back up only to have a fist collide with his face nocking him back down "don't get smart with me parker" flash spat kicking peter in the gut causing him to curl in on himself  "I'm better than anything you'll ever be" flash said kicking peter again, people started chanting flashes name, some people had pulled their phones out and had started recording "all you'll ever be in an orphan, a freak, a looser" flash said, peter went to get up again only to be kicked back down.

"how long is it until your an official orphan parker, or are you already one did your aunt finally die, now all that's left for you to do is join her"

flash said pulling his fist back ready to punch peter who now had a split lip and a bruise forming on his cheek, peter shut his eyes waiting for the fist to collide with his face but it never happened instead he heard some people gasp and the clicks of photos being taken, peter slowly looked up to see flashes fist being held by a metal hand.

peter looked up and saw his uncle Bucky glaring at flash, if looks could kill flash would be 6 feet under "tell me I did not just catch you hurting my nephew" bucky growled flash stared at the man wide eyed "n-nephew" flash stuttered, peter forced himself to stand up "u-uncle buck I-I'm fine really" peter said trying to hide a wince "your not fine Pete" peter's head turned to the right as he heard a new voice "mister stark" peter said panicked it wasn't only tony though the rest of them were there to along with wade.

Bucky still had flash in a death grip "why are you all here" pete said eyes wide "pete we're going to do something when we find out your being bullied" Natasha said "I-I'm not getting bullied f-flash w-was just umm playing around" pete rushed out, fearful for flashes life "playing around, playing around pete your bleeding that's not playing around" wade said shooting flash a death glare, the students were still recording and taking photos.

"its nothing I'm fine, I've gotten used to it its nothing now can you please all leave" pete said tony looked him dead in the eye "used to it?" he asked peters eyes widened a little bit "give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you" Bucky said tightening his grip on flashes hand "Bucky we agreed on no killing" Steve said.

"you agreed on no killing" 

peter looked back and forth between his family "guys please stop I'm fine, I'm completely fine can we please go" peter pleaded tony walked over to him "you and the other's can go I'm going to have a chat with your friend here" tony said nodding his head towards flash "please don't kill him" peter begged "I wont kill him pete the law doesn't allow it but I can make his life a living hell" tony said walking over to flash "mister stark please, just leave him I'm fine" peter said again but tony didn't listen to him, he walked right over to flash and glared down at him

 "you hurt my kid again, no you hurt my son again, and I will ruin any chance you have of getting into a good college, ruin any chance you have on getting a job, I will just overall ruin you life you hear me, you don't even look in his direction" tony said fire burning in his eyes "y-yes sir" flash stammered "good" tony said clapping his hands together "we'll be leaving now, and if any of the photos or videos you children have taken reach social media I will ruin your lives as well" tony said happily, he walked over to peter and put a arm around his shoulder before leading him out the school, leaving a shaken flash in the school   

lets just say flash never messed with peter again.

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