Pete's a sleepwalker

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Tony was in the lab, peter had gone to bed 2 hours ago, tony was working on his repulser's and peters web shooters when the lab door slid open , tony turned his head towards the door and saw Pete shuffle in bumping his shoulder on the door on the way in  "hay kid you alright, its past your bed time y'know" he said peter didn't respond "kid" tony asked again the kid just shuffled towards his work bench, tony walked over to the kid "Pete?" the older man asked again Pete just swayed a little bit his eyes were half closed tony waved a hand in front of peters face but still got no response  "FRIDAY what's wrong with him" tony asked slightly scared "master Peter appears be sleep walking" FRIDAY replied peter flinched slightly at the sound of the AI "sleep walking?" tony repeated looking over at peter who had now picked up a wrench "what do I do, should I wake him up?" tony asked not having to deal with this before, "waking him up is not recommended, waking up someone that is sleepwalking can result to them being confused and scared, I would recommend leading him back to bed from there he should resume sleeping normaly" the AI replied.

"Ok then Pete let's get you back to bed" tony said taking the wrench out of Pete's hand, tony took a hold of peters shoulder's and led him towards the door, Pete stumbled a bit but went willingly, tony had never seen the kid sleepwalk before, but for his first time of dealing with a sleepwalker he would say he was doing pretty good.

Pete stumbled a couple of times while tony led him down the hall but would always catch himself, "almost there buddy" tony said as they walked towards peter's room, when they finally got to Pete's room peter seemed to know what he was doing and walked himself over to his bed, avoiding all the things that were spread out on the floor and crawling under his covers falling asleep almost instantly, tony just watched the kid in amazement at the fact that he didn't trip over anything , he walked all the way to the lab, on his own only to walk back again "and when I thought you couldn't get any cuter" tony said closing the door and going to bed himself.


Tony and the rest of the avengers were in the living room watching a movie tony, Steve, Bruce and Rodney were sitting on the sofa, Bucky, and Clint were sat on armchair's and Natasha and Wanda were sat on the floor leaning against the sofa.

They were in the middle of the movie when the sound turned down on the tv and FRIDAY spoke "sir it seems master Pete is wandering the halls" FRIDAY spoke tony sat up "is he sleepwalking" tony asked getting some confused looks from the avengers "indeed sir, he seems to be walking towards the living room" the AI spoke tony smiled at least the kid was coming to him, "Peter sleepwalks" Bucky asked "yep he's been doing it for a couple of weeks now" tony replied just then shuffling could be heard from down the hall "so he just walks around" Wanda asked "yep" tony said popping the p, soon enough a tired looking Pete shuffled into the room "hay buddy, you know its past your bed time" tony said  Peter lifted his head in the direction of the voice "he looks like a zombie" Clint whispered, Pete shuffled closer to the group, swaying a little bit but steadying himself "your on a mission tonight, aren't you Pete?" tony said watching the kid walk over to them "мама паук..." tony's eyes widened a little bit peter had never spoke before it was only random noises, Natasha smiled and so did Clint " маленький паук" Natasha replied, peter shuffled over to her 

"he's never said anything before" tony stated, peter sat down in the middle of Natasha and Wanda and laid his head on Natasha's lap curling up into a small ball 

"he's gonna fall asleep on you nat" 

tony said Natasha looked up at tony "he just does this" she said playing with peters curls "yep he does a lot of strange things while he's sleep walking" tony said "like what" Rodney said 

" he's tried to work on his web shooters, he's tried to make dinner even though it was 4 in the morning, he's taken everything out of his cupboard and draws and put them in colour order and he's climbed up the wall and stood on the ceiling  for about an hour" tony said everyone looked towards Pete who was now snoring quietly "that's weird but awesome at the same time" Clint said.


tony and the avenger were all asleep, tony was snoring quietly when suddenly FRIDAY spoke loudly waking up tony, Steve and Bucky who were in the bedrooms next to him  "sir peter seems to be experiencing a high heart rate, a panic attack and is in destress" FRIDAY spoke tony quickly sat up "where is he what happened" he said quickly jumping out of bed and making his way out his bedroom, Steve and Bucky had already come out when they heard something was wrong with peter "he seems to have been sleepwalking and fell in the pool" FRIDAY stated by now the three men were running towards he elevator "FRIDAY TAKE US TO THE GYM AS FAST AS POSSIBLE" tony said freaking out.

peter was wandering around in the gym sleepily not realising where he was stepping, when he fell in the pool he didn't wake up straight away but when he went to breathe and realised he couldn't his eyes shot open and he choked on the water he had inhaled cant breathe peter thought as he thrashed around in the water he had fallen in while the cover was still on the pool, a plastic sheet wrapped itself around him preventing him from swimming up lake, 'I'm in the lake,'  peter thought he tried desperately to get the cover of him but it wasn't working 'the parashoot need to get it off '  "HELP" peter screamed but the water silenced him and bubbles of air floated to the surface, he thrashed around in hopes of getting out but it wasn't working, he was drowning, Pete's eyes slowly begun to close as the last bits of oxygen left his lungs his body went limp and he floated to the bottom of the pool.

Steve didn't waste anytime jumping in the pool and swimming down to the limp body at the bottom, tony was freaking out and Bucky was waiting at the end of the pool ready to pull peter out when Steve got him to the surface, Steve managed to get the plastic of off peter and get his arm around the boys waist before swimming up to the surface when Steve was close enough Bucky reached down into the water and pulled peter out the boy was socked, his lips were blue and his eyes were closed, he dragged peter away form the water and laid him on his back he quickly checked to see if the kid was breathing, barely, Bucky acted quickly with tilting the kids  head back "come on kid don't do this to me" tony said who was now crouched down next to Pete, Bucky pinched the kids noes before giving him mouth to mouth.

"come on Pete breathe with me" Bucky said now putting his hands on the centre of peters chest and pushed down, after a couple of seconds of CPR the kid started to cough, Tony let out a sigh of relief Bucky quickly rolled the kid on his side so he wouldn't choke "oh god Pete you scared me" Tony said rubbing the kids back " m' cold and m' wet" Peter said breathlessly Tony chuckled a little bit "I would think so" he said " m' tired" peter added "well lets get you in some warm clothes  and get you back to bed then" the older man said heling the kid up who stumbled a little bit before leaning against Tony "that wasn't fun" Pete yawned "no it wasn't"

part 2?                    

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