midnight comfort

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A/N yall deserve some fluff with all the sad shit I've been giving you so here's some cute

pete couldn't sleep, he felt...detached, he felt guilty, angry, depressed, tired

god how tired he was, but he couldn't sleep he tried but he just couldn't, how he wanted to sleep he just wanted to close his eyes and rest but he couldn't, he felt lonely, to lonely, he felt scared he didn't know why he did, but he did.

there were to many emotions going through his head to many feelings, may was working the night shift due to something that had happened at the hospital, tony was out on a business trip in Mexico.

it was 4 in the morning and peter still couldn't sleep, he sighed and threw the covers of him, standing up and walking over to his cupboard, the tired teen opened his cupboard and pulled out his Spiderman suit before sliding it on, the suit hung loose around his body, peter put his mask on and pressed the spider on his chest, the suit tightened around his body "hello peter" Karan's voice said

"hi Karan" peter said opening his window and crawling out, he shot a web at the building opposite his and swung off "peter you seem to be in a small amount of distress would you like me to contact anyone" Karan's said "no I'm fine, I'm just going to see someone now" peter said swinging down the street.


peter climbed over to the window and quietly unlocked it, the young teenager made sure to be quiet as he crawled into the room, once he was in he closed the window and pressed the spider on his chest, the suit fell down his body until he was only in his boxers, the young teenager quietly crawled into the bed, a familiar sent filling his noes, calming him almost instantly, that familiar sent happening to be gunpowder and a small hint of vanilla.

wade was 'asleep' when he heard his window open, he quietly reached under his pillow until he felt a familiar object, a gun.

he heard the sound of his window closing and something soft hitting the floor, he felt the bed sink behind him and a small pair of arms wrap around him from behind.

it took wade a couple of seconds to realise who it was, he let go of the gun "hay baby boy" he said rolling over to be greeted by a familiar pair of brown eyes "how'd you know it was me?" peter asked as his boyfriend wrapped his arms around him "who else would be crawling through my widow at 4 in the morning" wade chuckled, peter suddenly felt guilty.

"I'm sorry to be a bother, I was just...lonely" peter mumbled, wade pulled him closer "your not a bother petey, and we cant have you being lonely now can we" wade said drawing circles on peters back which was surprisingly relaxing for the tired boy, "what you doing up so late anyways" wade added, peters eyelids started to feel heavier "couldn't sleep, I just feel...everything...I'm tired, I'm angry, sad, lonely it just feels like there's to much happening at once" peter said shuffling as close to wade as possible, the older boy kept his arms tight around the younger, keeping a protective bubble around peter.

"you look really tired baby, you should have called me, I would have come over to save you swinging all this way" wade said looking down at peter, who was barely keeping his eyes open "I feel exhausted wade an' I just cant sleep, I've tried almost everything I-I just cant and I'm so tired" peter really did feel exhausted, he wanted to sleep desperately but just couldn't.

peter whined softly as the covers were pulled off him and wade climbed out of the bed "I'll be back in just a second baby, I'm just gonna grab something and then we'll get you to sleep" wade said gently before walking out the room, peter could here wade shuffling around in the other room, soon enough wade walked back in the room with a stuffed animal clutched in his hand.

"you remembered" peter said smiling at his boyfriend as he climbed back into bed "how could I forget you liked sleeping with stuffed animals its one of the cutest things about you" wade said handing peter the stuffy and pulling the covers over both of them, peter smiled tiredly at wade "I don't deserve you" peter said holding the stuffy close to his chest.

"on the contrary peter, you deserve everything" wade wisperd holding peter close to his chest, not caring that peter had already fallen asleep.

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