privacy isn't a thing when your the press

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(Pete is 4 years old and is Tony's biological son)

"come on Pete, it's time to go" tony called waiting for his son "hang on!" a small voice called from down the hall, suddenly small feet could be heard running down the hall and Peter popped out from around the corner wearing a bright yellow rain coat and yellow wellies "I'm ready!" the young boy beamed, tony smiled at the kid "alright come on then" he said holding his hand out, Peter happily skipped over to his dad, tony took the small hand in his own.

Peter and tony road down the elevator, Peter was bouncing up and down with excitement, tony watched the kid in amusement "calm down kiddo" he said Peter stopped bouncing, "but daddy I wanna find a rainbow" the little boy stated 

"if we don't find a rainbow you can draw one for me" tony said crouching down to the kids height "can we put it on the fridge" Pete asked, tony stood up and ruffled the kids hair "of course Pete".

When Pete and tony stepped out the elevator Pete could already hear the rain his smile got even bigger, Pete loved the rain he loved jumping around in the puddles, tony didn't really like the rain, but if peter was happy he wouldn't mind getting a little soaked.

Pete grabbed a hold of his dad's hand and pulled him towards the door "kid I'm coming slowdown" Tony said stumbling a bit, Peter just giggled and continued to pull his dad towards the door Tony chuckled and continued to let himself be dragged.


When peter and tony got to the park it was still raining a little bit "bye mister happy sir" peter said climbing out the car with help from tony, happy couldn't help but smile and wave, tony grabbed the umbrella out the trunk of the car and put it up, peter ran over to the park looking for puddle's a big smile plastered on his face, tony went and sat on one of the benches and watched his son jump around from puddle to puddle.

Tony chuckled a little bit when he saw peter grab a hold of one of the branches on the trees and shook it causing all the water on the leaves to fall on him "daddy I'm magic, I made it rain" peter called absolutely soaked, "wow Pete maybe you'll be a superhero when you grow up"  tony said "like you?" peter asked "I'm not a superhero Pete I'm just a guy with a shiny suit" tony said "maybe, but you'll always be my superhero daddy" Pete said turning his attention back to the puddles tony couldn't help but smile, what did he do to deserve a kid this bright.

Everything was going fine, until tony could see a crowd with cameras making their way towards him, tony reacted quickly, he got up and made his way over to his kid who was giggling and kicking his feet around in puddles "Pete buddy I need you to stay with me ok" he said kneeling down in front of the boy "what's wrong daddy?" the young boy asked innocently "I just need you to hold my hand ok baby, its gonna get really loud in a minute and there's gonna be a lot of flashing lights but I need you to stay with me ok" Tony said getting more worried as the crowed was getting closer "ok" pete said holding onto his dad's hand "who are they?" pete said pointing towards the crowd "their mean people that don't know when to leave other people alone so I need you to stay with me ok" tony said peter held on to his dads leg as he heard people start yelling things, tony quickly texted happy and told him to come pick them up "MISTER STARK" people started yelling peter held onto his dad tighter, the flashing of the camera's started and pete hid is face in his dads leg tony put his hand on his child's back protectively.




questions were being thrown at tony, but he just focused on trying to get Pete away from the crowed, tony was almost out when he felt the grip on his leg disappear "DADDY" he heard peter cry as he was pulled away from him, Pete didn't know what to do so many people were yelling and there were so many flashing lights "PETE" he heard his dad yell the young boy covered his ears and closed his eyes as he cried.

tony shoved past the people not caring if anyone got hurt, questions were still being thrown at him as he shoved past to get to his crying child, as soon as tony got to his son he picked him up off the floor, peter grabbed a hold of his dad crying into his shoulder " I got you pete, I got you baby" tony said holding onto his kid, he could see happy's car pulling up, he shoved passed the press and got to the car happy opened the door and helped tony him before getting in the car himself "I got you pete I'm so sorry, I got you buddy" tony said holding onto his kid "m' told you u were a...uperhero" Pete mumbled into his dads shoulder "what was that pete?" tony asked Peter looked up at his dad " I told you you were a superhero, you saved me from the people with the camera's" pete said "I'll always save you pete" tony said "always".                

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