Pete's a sleep walker - part 2

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requested by AnotherOneBiteADust and Heidihansen123

tony was in the lab, shutting everyone else out, he had been in the lab for 3 whole days now, he didn't let anyone down, he hadn't slept at all, just non stop working,

"Sir?" FRIDAY's voice rang from the ceiling tony groaned, getting slightly annoyed at the AI that continued to remind him that he needed to sleep and eat "not now FRIDAY" Tony groaned ignoring the AI and taking another sip of his coffee "I'm sorry sir, but master Pete is wandering the hall's, you programmed me to inform you when Peter started sleepwalking" Tony put his mug down on the table "where is he?"

"he is making his way to the lab sir" FRIDAY replied Tony rubbed his eyes and put down his tools, just then he could hear shuffling from outside the door "FRIDAY unlock the door" Tony said walking over to the lab door the door slid open and there stood Peter, his arms hanging limply by his sides, his eyes shut but just barely cracked open "hey buddy what you doing out of bed" Tony said keeping his voice quiet, Peter just swayed a little bit in response.

"alright kid lets get you back to bed" tony said taking a hold of peters shoulders and going to turn him around, but peter didn't move "buddy?" tony asked peter had never resisted before "got...find.." peter slurred "you gotta find something bud" tony asked peter hummed in response "how about we go to bed and we can find it in the morning"  tony said, peter sloppily shook his head "s' important" the kid said.

"so its important" tony asked raising an eyebrow "s' m-ster stark" Tony's eyes widened a bit in shock, the kid was looking for him, "you gotta find tony?" tony asked the kid hummed, tony smiled "I'm right here kid" tony said holding the kids shoulders "m'ster stark?" tony carefully turned the kid around "right here pete, now lets get you to bed" tony said this time the kid went willingly.

when tony got the kid back to his room he expected him to walk over to his bed on his own like he usually does, but instead the kid held onto Tony's arm "come on pete, bed time" tony said trying to persuade the kid to get into bed "bed?" the kid said tiredly "yeh bed, you wanna hop in" peter stood there for a while just swaying, tony thought he was about to fall asleep right there, 

"stay?" the sleeping teen replied "you want me to stay?" tony asked looking down at the kid, pete hummed "alright then bud I'll stay" the older man said, peter drunkenly crawled into bed and tony slid in next to him pulling the covers over both of them "g'night" peter mumbled "goodnight pete" tony said closing his eyes.


"pete come down" tony said making sure not to be to loud, peter had been sleepwalking and had walked up the wall and was now currently on the ceiling, upside down.

"s' lava" the boy muttered, tony chuckled to himself "pete buddy there's no lava" tony said pinching the bridge of his noes "s' hot" the boy mumbled, tony supressed a laugh as to not wake peter up, in case the kid fell off the ceiling "look I'm down here and there's no lava" tony said "m' tired" the kid said sitting down, might I remind you he is still on the ceiling "kid don't go to sleep up there" tony said.

"m' going to bed" peter said lying down "peter I swear if you go to sleep up there I will get my suit and get you down myself" tony said seriously "I..av a suit" peter mumbled "I know I made it for you" tony chuckled "m' Spiderman" the kid said mimicking his web shooters tony laughed quietly "I know that bud, now does Spiderman want to come down for me" tony said tapping his foot on the floor "down?" the kid said "yes down" tony said 

"m'kay" and with that the boy was falling from the ceiling, tony reacted quickly in jumping forward and catching the boy at the very last minute, peters eyes opened quickly he looked around panicked and went to hit the person that was holding him until he realised who it was,  "mister stark?" he questioned, confused as to why he was in the living room and why mister stark was holding him "don't do that ever again" tony said trying to catch him breath "what?" peter asked confused tony set peter back down on the floor.

"your going to give me a heart attack one day you know that" tony said "what did I do?" peter asked "nothing kid just, lets just get you back to bed" tony said putting an arm around the kid and leading him back to his room.             

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