Daddy's got you

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"aww Petey Petey pie," Tony said as he opened the door to peters nursery "why's my little bundle of joy so sad," Tony said walking over to the crib in the room where Peter was currently crying is eyes Out.

"aww buddy" Tony reached down and carefully picked peter up out of the crib, the small baby continued to wail and wriggle around in his father's hold.

"aww bud why must such pretty eyes cry such sad tears?" tony said bouncing peter slightly in his arms, peters cries died down as tony continued to bounce him shushing the small boy occasionally.

"there you go bud, see no need to cry, daddy's got you," Tony said walking around the nursery with peter in his arms, peter stared up at tony his face red and covered in tears and snot.

Tony smiled down at the boy in his arms and grabbed a baby wipe off the changing table before wiping the snot and tears off peters face, peter whined and squirmed around in tony hold not appreciating what his dad was doing.

"I know bud but we've got to get all that icky stuff off your face," Tony said placing the baby wipe in the bin once he had cleaned peters face "there, see baby, all better now," Tony said Peter just babbled in response his little hands reaching up to touch Tony's face.

A smile made its way onto Tony's face as he admired the boy in his arms who was busy playing with his beard "you're meant to be asleep bub" Tony said carrying Peter back over to his crib and gently laying him down, Peter continued to babble happily and kicked his legs.

"It's sleepy time baby, time to go to sleep until the sun comes out," Tony said running his pinkie finger from peters forehead to his little button nose, Tony continued the action until peters eyes started to droop slightly 

"There you go sweetheart, time to go night night," Tony said quietly as Peter finally closed his eyes the man waited a little while before retracting his hand and looking down at the small peaceful sleeping being in front of him.

"Sweet dreams Petey," Tony said, carefully retreating to the door and closing it behind him, tony only made 3 steps before loud wails could be heard again, the man frowned and turned back around making his way back into peters nursery. 

Tony sighed as he saw that peters little face was scrunched up and tears were falling again "buba, you know daddy can't stay in here with you all night" Tony said crossing his arms and leaning against the crib, Peter only cried harder like he could understand what Tony said "aw honey please don't cry, you know Daddy hates seeing you cry" Tony whispers leaning over the crib and stroking peters hair, just like magic peters cries reduced to sniffles.

"Your not gonna let daddy go back to bed without you huh bud" Tony spoke, Peter only sniffled in response 

"Im gonna take that as a yes" Tony said lifting Peter up into his arms, he quickly snatched the Ironman pacifier that had been discarded in the sheets of the crib, Tony then grabbed peters teddy bear and headed To the door

"I'm sure papa won't mind if I bring a little company with me" Tony said slipping the pacifier between Peters lips the small boy started sucking on it almost instantly, Tony smiled and opened the door to his and steves bedroom 

"Is he ok?" 

Tony heard Steve call out, Steve was sat up in bed shirtless and rubbing his eyes slightly, it was obvious that he had just woken up "yeh, little man just wanted some cuddles and attention" Tony said Peter looked over and cooed at the sight of his papa

"Hay little man" Steve said holding his hands out, Tony walked over and placed Peter in steves arms, a smile made its way onto steves lips as peters reached up and touched his face "you know your meant to be asleep don't you hon?" Steve said rubbing a thumb across Peter's cheek.

"That's what I told him" Tony said climbing back into bed and pulling the covers over them, he handed steve peters bear and leaned back slightly his eyes drooping, Steve placed the bear in peters arms and looked at Tony "go to sleep babe I've got him" He whispered placing a kiss on Tony's forehead "you sure" Tony asked closing his eyes "yeah" Steve said quietly.

Tony finally drifted off to sleep leaving Peter and Steve awake, "you gotta go to sleep honeybun" Steve said leaning back more, Peter was already half asleep in steves arms his pacifier hanging loosely from his lips and his teady bear held tightly to his chest.

Steve looked at Peter a smiled "night night buddy" he said as peters eyes finally slipped closed Steve closed his eyes his strong grip never leaving his baby for a minute as he fell asleep

Hopefully this makes up for the previous chapter 

Sorry bout that 😐 

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