I'm a real boy

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( warning, this contains a lot of transphobic stuff I just want to say I do not hate trans people they are fucking awesome and deserve everything like everyone else)

Requested by lonelyhazel

"Hey penny!"

"Just ignore him peter" ned said grabbing peter by the arm and gently pulling him away from flash and his friends.

Peter kept his head down, biting down on his lip, ned continued to pull his friends away from there tormentors, talking to peter every time flash would say something just to distract him.

"Come on penny, we've barley talked today!" Peter furrowed his eyebrows and turned around even though ned told him not to.

"Don't call me that"

"You don't want me calling you penny? Fine how about I call you tranny instead" flash said causing a couple laughs from the people around them who were just watching.

Peter shrunk back, his eyes glossing over, ned gently grabbed him by his arm and lead him away while flash and his friends were laughing behind them.

Ned led peter into the boys bathroom and turned him to face him, peters eyes were drowning in tears that had yet to fall.

"N-ned you know I'm not allowed in here" peter spoke looking at his friend.

"Why, you're a boy aren't you?" Ned said, peter blinked, tears dripping down his cheeks.

"I'm not!" Peter sobbed "I never will be" ned grabbed peter by the shoulders and made him look at him.

"Listen to me, you, peter Parker are a boy" peter stared at ned opening his mouth to say something but ned didn't let him.

"Why aren't you a boy peter? Because some guy out there is calling you penny? Do you know a penny because I sure don't?" Ned said, peters lips curled upwards.

"No I don't think so, the only person I know is peter and he's pretty god damn amazing"

"Thank you" peter said wiping his eyes, ned smiled and hugged him.

Just then the door opened and mr Jones walked in, he looked at ned then at peter.

"What have we talked about miss Parker" he said coldly, peter wanted to cry all over again.

"You're not allowed in here this is the boys bathroom" he continued, neds look hardened.

"He is a bo-"

"No she is not leads, you cannot just wake up cut your hair short and say your a boy, you are what you are from birth to death, now out penny or you'll be spending after school with me" the teacher said glaring down peter and Ned.

Peter picked up his discarded bag and walked out of the bathroom with his head hanging low.

Why couldn't he have just been born a boy


Peter stood frozen staring at two doors, the men's changing room, and the woman's changing room.

Gym was his most hated lesson, coach didn't let him change in the boys locker room as the boys didn't feel comfortable with a girl getting changed with them.

The girls didn't like him getting changed with them as the through of him as a freak.

And the clothing, girls were meant to ware skorts and a blows, peter, of course had refused to ware the skort and wore the men's shorts, but every time he wore them sir would give him a detention until he decided to ware the girls clothing.

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