My Fiance.

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                                                                     ~Yoongi's P.O.V~

     "Alma told me to tell you that she'll be there in an hour with your fiance" I was about to respond when Namjoon said "ah and also WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!" I push the phone away from my ear "You know how I get when people try to put me down"  I say "now tell me is my fiance handsome?"  I can hear the smile behind Namjoon's voice as he says "Actually yes, he is adorable and handsome, but I still think you're crazy".

   I began to clean the house as soon as I hang up because if I'm being honest not have maids is hard. I miss the girls (the maids) I'm actually nervous and I hate being nervous. It was eight thirty when I hear the doorbell ring  Alma smiles at me as I open the door, I pay no attention to her and try to spot my fake Fiance but he seems to be behind Namjoon I try to peek but no such luck. Alma takes my hand and brings me into the living room she climbs onto the couch and stands to cover my eyes "come in" she tells them.

    When there isn't anymore movement Alma's hands drop from my eyes and I open them when I do I get these overwhelming emotions but mostly composed of sadness and guilt because standing before me is Taehyung with his slightly long hair, uneven yet captivating yes, and a small sad smile that resembles a rectangle, Namjoon wasn't lying when he said Taehyung is adorable and handsome he is that much and more.

  "Taehyung," I say, and I don't know why but my heart aches, and I have this sudden urge to run and don't look back yet  Another part of me wants to stay here and listen to his voice. Let him tell me why there are bruises underneath those eyes, and why his cheeks aren't red from blushing; instead they hold a colour resembling a deep blue. "Hi Hyung," he says in that deep and quiet voice I know. "Stop just staring at each other" Alma says "sit down,"  we do as she says.

   "There is a lot to do and a lot to discuss" she is right, and I don't even know where to begin. "Okay, so Taehyung will be sleeping here from now on because Young Sik might get suspicious if he sleeps at our parent's and if he lives elsewhere you guys would need to find places and times to see each other" I agree, this way when I come home from work I don't need to go out and I can just relax at home "You also need to take Taehyung shopping because he left everything behind, oh and we need to fake those proposal pictures  but that can wait till we're closer to the wedding" I nod and so does Taehyung.

   "You two are really doing this huh?" Namjoon says which makes me question why Taehyung agreed to do this "I guess we are" Taehyung says  "okay, but I need you to follow Tahyung and I around and make sure no one is following us" I say to Namjoon "okay, I can do that, what time do you need me to be here? actually never mind I'll be here at four in the morning if a weird car passes by I'll know about it" I thank him. 

   "Alright well, I'm leaving I have to tell Hoseok about this madness. Wish me luck" Alma hugs Taehyung and then takes my hand and places a kiss. "Lo tratas bien, por que si no, Bueno pues ya sabes como me pongo" (treat him well otherwise well you know how I get). I nod and watch her and Namjoon walk out of the house. Now I'm left alone with Taehyung in this small house, and I feel like I can't breathe.

   "You must have questions," I say "I do" I motion for him to sit down next to me "what do you want to know?" I ask "Everything".

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