Day 1.

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~3rd Person P.O.V~

       Neither of the men could sleep last night somehow being apart made them wonder more about each other. In the morning Yoongi unlocked the door and walked in Taehyung was sitting in their table with another plate sitting in front of him "I thought maybe you'd like to eat breakfast before we leave" Yoongi gave him a small smile and sat down next to him, his heart was still beating rapidly and he was somehow nervous just like the boy in front of him. Taehyng looked at Yoongi "are you mad at me?" he asked "no, I just needed some time to think that's all, now that I know how you feel I'll know what's best for us" Taehyung wondered what he meant by that.

Their morning was not as weird as they both thought it would go they still had weird conversations which mostly came from Taehyung, the boy found themselves laughing a couple of times. When Yoongi and Taehyung go to the Ice cream shop the shorter walked Taehyung to the shop but unlike other days he didn't kiss his lips instead he kissed Taehyung's forehead but the kiss heald the same feeling. Taehyung wanted to protest against the kiss, he wanted to tell Yoongi that's not how they normally do things but decided against it.

Yoongi left and met with Alma since it had been a while since they last spoke alone "why do you look sad? your aura is depressing me stop it" she said jokingly but it was the truth " Taehyung and I are going through something" Alma rolled her eyes "what did you do?" she asked, "why do you always assume it's my fault?" she shrugged " I feel something for him but he thinks that the only thing he feels towards me is the love of a friend" Alma wanted to slam everyone against the wall "okay but you know it's not true" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I know, but I can't just keep being his friend, I want something more with him I don't want our relationship to be fake" Alma smiled at Yoongi "just give him time but don't push him away and don't let him push you away, still do cute things for him let him miss you thought maybe start going out? I'll talk to him" the male nodded "I'm going to the gym do you want to come?" she shook her head "no, but hey go easy on my man he better not come back with a single bruise or I'll beat your ass" she examined Yoongi noticed how his body is toned and lean, she had no doubt her uncle had been teaching Yoongi how to put on muscle "or I'll try" she said.

He laughed at her comment and left after the gym it was time to go pick Taehyung up, as usual, he got off and sat by the window, behind him a girl watched him, she couldn't take her eyes off him, everything about him pulled her in from his dark eyes, pale skin to the way he walked without a care in the world. Yoongi felt someone's eyes on him he looked towards the counter thinking it was Taehyung but it was that short girl sitting behind him. The girl sat there trying to gather the courage to talk to Yoongi finally she took a deep breath and walked to him.

She smiled sweetly at him, usually, Yoongi would tell everyone to fuck off but. something about this girl's smile reminded him so much of his mother's so he smiled up at her "can I sit with you?" Yoongi nodded when she did she noticed the smallest hint of a smile as Yoongi's lips curled upwards "were you staring at me a couple of seconds ago?" he asked her "yes" she said timidly "I knew someone was staring at me" he said offering a small smile "sorry, that might be a bit creepy" he shook his head "no, it's okay" the continued to talk about small things.

After a couple of minutes, she asked "do you have a girlfriend? oh sorry that might have been a bit straightforward" Yoongi shook his head "it's okay and no I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a boyfriend" her eyes widened and suddenly she felt embarrassed "well this is awkward" she said "but he is lucky, you are handsome and have a nice personality" he smiled at her "you seem like a nice girl and your pretty I'm sure someone out there is into you, I just happen to be gay" they both laughed which finally caught Taehyung's attention, he tried to ignore the anger and continued to clean the counter so he could finish and leave.

Taehyung knew Yoongi rarely laughed but when he did he managed to look beyond perfect which is why hearing Yoongi laugh with some stranger cause Taehyung to be jealous. When Taehyung was finally done he hurried and took off his apron. He reached the table and fakely smiled at the stranger "sorry, am I interrupting?" Taehyung asked "this is Taehyung, Taehyung this is Ha-Eun" the short girl bowed "nice to meet you and it's okay I was about to leave anyway" she turned to Yoongi and said, "see you later Oppa".

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