Bachelor Pt 3.

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        Yoongi looks up from his phone wondering whether or not he should tell the others what he learned from Taehyung "Jimin has been weird with me lately" Jungkook claims "what do you mean?" Namjoon asked "he's been giving me attitude all week, I would say you look nice and he'll say 'oh you noticed?' every time I speak to him he replies with a  sassy remark" what he didn't tell the others was that he hasn't been intimate with Jimin since he started acting that way, despite being provoked he tries his best, it's his way of getting back at Jimin. 

       Hoseok turns to Jungkook "maybe he wants attention, or maybe he feels like you don't care anymore" he was right, Jimin had previously told him as much "I do, I just don't know what to do" Yoongi finally paying attention "maybe that's why he was so jealous of me, he feels like I get more attention then he does, you don't have to do much, just little things kiss and hug him out of nowhere try new things, something to make sure he knows you care".

    Jungkook began to realize he had been less attentive of Jimin "it's not that I don't care or that I don't love him, I just want to give him some space because we live together" he says "Jimin likes attention Jungkook, if he wanted some alone time he'd tell you"  Hoseok said "you better get it together before he gets that attention elsewhere like in the bar they're in" everyone looked towards Yoongi alarmed and ready to fight a bitch "Taehyung said Alma even made them dress up" Jungkook and Namjoon immediately got up "we have to go" Jungkook said "why?" Hoseok asked "you know to make sure they don't get in trouble or drunk"Jungkook said Yoongi smirked at Hoseok.

    Yoongi and the rest of them were now standing in front of the bar.  Jimin was still talking to the man loving the attention, he found the man funny yet he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty, as the dominants walked in Jimin hit the stranger's shoulder playfully out of laughter which immediately caught Jungkook's attention Jimin was his and he shouldn't be flirting with a man he barely met especially when he was Jungkook's. Jin stood in front of the stranger cracking his dad jokes which the stranger actually loved  Jin was thankful, no one laughed at his jokes like the man did so Jin's lips curled upwards and his eyes became smaller.

  Namjoon arched a brow, he was afraid that Jin was looking for a casual hook up, he looked back at Yoongi who couldn't help but smirk back at him. All of them were possessive and Alama seemed to know that so when Jungkook saw Jimin with that man he walked to him and grabbed his arm "we're leaving" Jimin internally screamed in joy "who are you?" the man asked "that's none of your business" Jungkook pushed Jimin closer and both began to walk out of the bar "I don't want to leave yet" Jimin said "I don't care" Jungkook replied.

    Namjoon walked closer to Jin and eyed the man in front of his boyfriend "hey?" Namjoon arched a brow at the man "hey" he said trying to remember that the man wasn't at fault for this "let's go Jin" the hyung looked at Namjoon "why?" he asked "because I want to" Namjoon said "I'm having fun" in frustration Namjoon walked closer "fine" that didn't go as Jin planned, Namjoon began to walk away but managed to hear as the man asked "wanna get out of here?" Jin began to panic, he didn't want that, all he wanted was Namjoon who turned around and began to drag Jin away "no, he doesn't" Namjoon answered.

     Alma was still sitting in the stool she began to sober up and was about to climb off as a man approached her "need help?" not anymore she was sober "no thanks, that's my job" Hoseok answered as he came into view "but thank you for offering" Alma said as she turned to her boyfriend on the stool, she opened her arms for him to carry her as her head rested on Hoseok's shoulder she whispered in his ear "we need to find Yoongi and Taehyung before they run off".

   Yoongi's eyes caught Taehyung coming out of the restroom, the younger smiled  "there you are" Yoongi said "here I am" he walked closer to the older "that was all Alma's plan wasn't it" Taehyung smiled " I wonder what a pair of Korean speaking men are doing at a bar in Hawaii" Yoongi chuckled "You didn't join in?" Yoongi asked bringing the younger closer "no, noona refused to let me get laid tonight besides" he began "besides?" Yoongi asked, Taehyung got closer and whispered "I don't need to do that to get laid" in the shadows of the lonely bar and the lowlight of the restroom Yoongi gripped Taehyung's ass and said, "no, you don't".

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