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      All the boys except Hoseok were at the Garcia-Min family home Alma wanted everything for the party to be ready, so she was constantly having to scream stuff like "Don't hide there!" and "turn off that light!"  among many other things. When Namjoon broke a frame she was planning to gift Hoseok as a present she began to curse in all the languages she knows "no se te hace que te estas pasando?" (Don't you think your overreacting/ doing too much) Yoongi asked which cause her to look back at him and roll her eyes "deja de  criticarme" (stop criticizing me) Yoongi took a sip of his wine and went to sit down on the couch.

     Taehyung was always around or next to the older so when Yoongi sat down and didn't feel Taehyung he rolled his eyes and got up again to look for him while doing so he almost screamed 'Tae' at the top of his lungs but stopped himself before making that mistake. When Yoongi finally found the younger he wasn't pleased "what are you doing?" he asked him "I'm helping noona" Yoongi took Taehyung's hand "don't, come sit with me" he said, "I can't I'm almost done". Yoongi sight in defeat "fine but as soon as your done come find me" Taehyung nodded.

     Namjoon and Jin were being very obvious according to Yoongi, the shorter male knew Namjoon well and although he didn't know Jin equally as much he was smart enough to notice little things, stuff like looking at Namjoon when he wasn't looking or always wanting to be next to Namjoon, it was all stuff Yooongi did with Taehyung  although Yoongi was much better at hiding it. "He's here everyone shut the fuck up!" Alma screamed two minutes later when everyone was getting too annoyed at the amount of time it was taking for Hoseok to open the door it finally opened. "Happy birthday!" everyone screamed, Yoongi was still seating on the couch because he didn't bother to hide.

    It might seem like Yoongi isn't excited or like he doesn't care about Hoseok but that's not true Namjoon's jealousy towards Hoseok proves as much. Hoseok makes Yoongi laugh almost as much as Taehyung does and they had grown close to each other despite Yoongi trying to do the opposite. He thought it would be better if Hoseok feared him that way Hoseok would think twice before hurting his sister as the last man had. However time proved Alma wasn't the same woman she was a year ago, this Alma was just as beautiful but she was more complete, Yoongi always admired his sister's way of loving. 

    Alma went to hug Hoseok or her 'Hobi' as she calls him and she managed to whisper sweet nothings to him before Jungkook and Yoongi snatched him from her. Taehyung looked around the house and realize this wasn't so much a party more like a reunion but he liked it more this way and so did everyone else. Taehyung walked to stand next to Yoongi who forgot for a split second touching Taehyung the way he usually does isn't something 'friends' do so despite wanting to wrap his arm around Taehyung he stood still wondering when he could enjoy his time with Taehyung without having to worry about people finding out.   

     A thought occurred to him just then, Taehyung was engaged to him but it was fake, yet he knew what he felt for Taehyung wasn't something he could just get rid of, thinking about not spending time with Taehyung or not coming home to him made his insides turn. He wondered if Taehyung felt the same way. Taehyung noticed the shorter man's attitude it suddenly became weird and nervous, he told himself to ask about it when they get home. For now, Yoongi changed his facial expression and tried to enjoy the party, Alma, on the other hand, noticed her brother's weird actions and Taehyung's worry.  

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