Anger P2.

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~3rd Person P.O.V~

Yoongi counted "123" as fast as he could he open the door wider and stepped out of the house with the man by the collar " how about you take your ass out of my property and forget Taehyung Exists" the tall man seemed to think his height difference would be an advantage to him, but Yoongi is stronger faster and more skilled "how about you let me go before I kick your ass in front of Taehyung" the man said "you can try" Yoongi said he let go of his grip and pushed the man harshly towards the ground "you think you're tough little man".

Yoongi's low laugh scared Taehyung he's never heard it before but he was sure it was not a good sign "that's all you got?" Yoongi asked as picked the man up by the collar "I don't see what Taehyung sees in you, clearly you have anger issues" Yoongi laughed again "you got that right" the tall man tried to punch Yoongi in the stomach but missed, however Yoongi didn't when he aimed at the man's eye "bastard" he said Taehyung hated when people called Yoongi that so he walked up to them he picked up the man's phone which had previously fallen when he was pushed to the floor "take your phone and leave us alone before I beat the shit out of you".

The man took his phone and walked to his car "I'm still mad at you" Taehyung claimed as he walked in the house "I said I'm sorry what else do you want from me Taehyung?" he turned around and walked towards the door his hand on the doorknob Yoongi got closer and took Taehyung's hand in his "I told you if you called me by my full name I would leave " Yoongi smirked "I won't let you" Yoongi got closer to Taehyung until their bodies were almost pressed together "you can't stop me" Taehyung said "I can but I know you don't really want to leave" Taehyung's heart was beating faster then he thought possible "why do you think I won't leave?".

Yoongi smirked at the question, he lifted himself up a bit but he wasn't tiptoeing he was definitely not doing that, now that his lips were close to Taehyung's ear he whispered "I know you won't leave because you like me" Taehyung gulped "no I don't" he said "so if you don't like me, if you don't see me as anything else but a friend then my actions won't affect you right?" Yoongi asked "no they won't" Yoongi smirked once again "then let me prove you wrong, I'll kiss you" Taehyung shook his head "no" he gulped again "why not? you said you're not attracted to me" Yoongi bit his lip then placed a kiss under Taehyung's ear, another one by Taehyung's temple, his nose, eyes, cheeks, and each corner of his mouth, his lips traced Taehyung's jawline.

When Yoongi's lips began to go lower into Taehyung's neck the taller was afraid his heartbeat would betray him, he was worried Yoongi could hear or feel the palpitations through his skin "stop" Taehyung said, "why do you feel something?" the feeling of Yoongi's lips against his skin as he asked that threatened to break him "no" he said "then I'll keep going" despite trying to contain himself Yoongi kissed Taehyung's neck without compassion soon the kisses weren't enough, he wanted people to know Taehyung had someone .

The shorter began to suck on Taehyung's neck the taller could barely contain himself "what are you doing?" he asked hoping his mouth wouldn't betray him, hoping the moans remained inside his throat "people should know your you aren't alone, you're mine" the feeling of Yoongi's breath and his lips on his neck was beginning to be too much, Yoongi continued to work on Taehyung's neck and when he reached the crook of his neck he began to kiss lightly first then his teeth graced the delicate skin, his tongue traced circles on the taller's skin, when Yoongi got closer he began to suck on Taehyung's skin.

Taehyung didn't know whether it was the way Yoongi sucked on his neck or the feeling of Yoongi's body against his but a groan slipped soon followed by a moan. Yoongi smiled against Taehyung's neck where he fits perfectly "I told you, you like me" Yoongi said before he pulled away. He examined Taehyug's fresh hickeys he smiled "they look good on you," he said as he turned around and walked the other way "yah! get back here".

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