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~3rd person P.O.V~

Yoongi and Taehyung cleaning up after breakfast when Ha-Eun called she had just recently moved to the city and didn't know anyone so when she got into an accident the first person she thought of calling was Yoongi "Hello?" Yoongi said "hi oppa I know we don't know each other but I got robbed a couple of days ago on the street they took everything but my phone I should be getting discharged from the hospital but I don't have money for a taxi right now and I don't really know my way around the city yet, could you please pick me up?" Yoongi felt bad for the girl he knew all she wanted was a friend and he was willing to be that for her "don't worry I'll be there as soon as I can" Taehyung heard what Yoongi said and wondered who it was.

When they got to the Ice cream shop Yoongi didn't get off as usual Taehyung got out of the car and Yoongi backed out of the parking lot. When he got to the hospital he found out Ha-Eun had a pretty serious concussion and a cut on her shoulder but these few days in the hospital she was able to recover for the most part. "I think someone should stay with her for today, make sure she drinks her medicine the cut was pretty deep, make sure she eats and rests well" Yoongi nodded at the doctor's words. When he went inside the room Ha-Eun was sleeping a part of her realized now how hard it is to live alone, but she needed to be here her mother was dealing with health problems and needed money which Ha-Eun she would now spend on her own hospital bills.

Ha-Eun's father moved out of the house and doesn't want to know anything about her or her mother which is why she is the only one that can help her mother, she worked day and night to put her herself through university and now she is working day and night to find a job. When she woke up she found Yoongi sitting on the chair next to her hospital bed he was dozing off but kept his eyes open when he saw Ha-Eun wake up "hey" he said "hi, I'm sorry for making you come here" he shook his head "we all need help sometimes" he said with a small smile.

Yoongi and Ha-Eun went through everything and where finally in the parking lot "can you please drop me off at my hotel?" Yoongi wanted to take her home with him but she would notice he and Taehyung sleep in a different room and he doesn't feel like explaining why. Yoongi drove where Ha-Eun told him but when they got there he realized the hotel was in a dangerous part of town and the room didn't even have a bed so he told her to follow him. He took her to a nice hotel "I'll stay here with you if you don't mind" he said "you don't have to do that, Taehyung is probably worried about you go back to him" she really did feel like a bother to him.

Yoongi shook his head "I would bring you to our home but there isn't space so I'll stay here with you, I promise I won't do anything I'm gay" she smiled "thank you" he nodded and smiled. When Ha-Eun was laying on the bed Yoongi remembered to call Taehyung who was worried about the older male since Namjoon had picked him up from work and didn't get back in time for dinner. Taehyung picked up after the second ring "he-" Yoongi didn't get to say anything because Taehyung asked, "where are you?" Yoongi wanted to smile but didn't do it "sorry Ha-Eun needed me, I called to tell you I won't go home today remember to lock the doors and close the window properly, I'll see you tomorrow" Taehyung was conflicted and confused but just said "okay" before Yoongi hung up.

Yoongi sleep on the couch but woke up when he heard cries, he was still half asleep so a part of him thought it was Taehyung but when he turned on the lamp he saw Ha-Eun crying "I'm sorry I woke you" Yoongi rubbed his eyes but saw on the bed next to him. After a couple of minutes, Ha-Eun finally broke down and began to tell Yoongi about her mother. Ha-Eun was sad and angry, sad because she had to leave home and lost everything she had trying to find a job, and mad because despite having a father he did nothing to help her or her mother.

Ha-Eun was truly a good person, a loving daughter and friend and Yoongi knew that so told her he knew about a company who was hiring, he asked her to give it a try. He was sure she would be accepted after all it was his company. She wondered if Yoongi worked there but thanked him and made sure to remember she needed to apply there "oppa?" she said "yeah?" she looked at him and asked "why are all the cute and nice guy gay?" they both laughed Yoongi went back to the couch and thought about what Taehyung was doing right now.

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