with You.

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~3 rd person P.O.V~

Taehyung was still a bit agitated he wanted Jimin to know Yoongi was a great man "Yoongi isn't the man you think he is, he might seem distant and cold but he is loyal and he would never let Jungkook cheat on you and he wouldn't cheat on me, you should have more trust in Jungkook because he looks at you like his whole universe revolves around you" Jungkook was grateful for Taehyung's kind words and Yoongi's grip tightened on Taehyung's waist.

Jimin smiled at them and nodded "we have to go but we should still have dinner later" Yoongi suggested "we'll be there Hyung" Jungkook said Taegi nodded, once Yoongi was in the truck Jimin ran to Taehyung who was about to get in "Taehyung" Jimin said "yeah?" the older smiled "Hyung looks at you look you're his whole universe too" Taehyung smiled and looked back at Yoongi "Thank you Jimin Hyung".

Time had gone by and it was time to meet Jikook for dinner although it has barely four pm Taehyung was anxious to know how they would react when they found out they not only live together but they're also engaged. The doorbell rings "babe can you open the door please?"Taehyung yells "Okay!" the older does as he is told and finds Jikook well dressed "why are you dressed like that, what do you think this is a formal meeting or something?" the Hyung asks "no, we have a date later tonight" Jungkook answers "oh" is all Yoongi says "I guess make your selfs home?" the couple wonders how Taehyung and Yoongi got together the hyung clearly lacked social skills.

Yoongi noticed there wasn't space in the living room for all of them "actually sit on the table because there isn't space for all of us on the couch" Jikook got up and walked to the dining table with four chairs. Taehyung walked in a minute later "hey" he says they all felt a little weird they didn't know where to begin "this is awkward just ask, I know you guys have questions" the hyung said, "since when?" Taegi agreed to be honest so Yoongi replies "pretty much six months" Jimin and Jungkook look at each other "you've been hiding it for that long?" Jungkook asks "yeah" Taehyung replies "how?" Jimin questions "I don't know I mean the only person who knew was Alma, and we didn't tell you because well you spill everything".

"So we're the first people other then noona who know about you?" Jimin asks "no, Alma had to tell Hoseok because I needed help with something, Namjin found out because Jin saw us making out" Jimin was upset he was told last "so we're last?" Yoongi nods which earns him a warning look from Taehyung "to be fair we always got invited last to your things" Yoongi added "that's different those are parties this is different I mean you guys could get married someday" Taegi looked at each other "about that" they both said in unison.

Jikook observed Taegi carefully "we-" there is banging on the window and Taegi watches in horror "you guys are engaged?!" Jin screams furious which causes Jimin and Jungkook to look at him "what?" they were so confused but watched as Yoongi opened the door then turn to Taehyung and observe the ring on his finger "Hyung you and your bad timing" Jin walks in slipper in hand and smacks Yoongi on his shoulder "you little shits" the Hyung walks towards Taehyung who runs beside Yoongi, Namjoon walks in and takes the slipper away from his boyfriend before he can hit Taehyung because he is scared of what Yoongi would do.

"Only Alma knew about it everything happened so fast I couldn't tell you because you guys can't keep a secret to save your fucking lives and I didn't want Taehyung to find out exactly when I'd be proposing, we were planning on heading to your place after Jikook left but you didn't give us enough time!" Yoongi spoke fast and loud "I can keep a secret, I never told anyone about you and Taehyung" Jin says "but you did tell me that Yoongi had a crush on Jungkook" Jimin argues "actually, I made that up that was a lie" Taehyung says "I told you" Jungkook says.

"Wait how did you know we're engaged?" Jin looks at Namjoon "that's my fault actually, he refused to cancel his plans for tomorrow so I had to tell him you're getting married tomorrow" Jimin and Jungkook could only blink before they looked at Taegi "we weren't going to get invited?" Jimin asked he thought of Taehyung as his best friend "of course you were, that's why Yoongi told you to clear your plans for tomorrow" Jimin calmed himself down "we need you all to pack for tomorrow we'll be taking my private jet to Hawaii, that's where we're getting married" Jimin began to panic and so did Jin "what time are we leaving?" Jin asked "five in the morning".

Jimin wanted to leave right at the moment he knew Jungkook would sleep it off and he would be the one to pack everything "we were planning to get married tomorrow but it would be too rushed so we're getting married on Sunday" Jimin pulled Jungkook's shoulder and dragged him out of the house without saying bye. Jin, on the other hand, said "fuck you, fuck both of you we all needed more time to prepare for this" Jin also takes Namjoons hands and walks out but comes back alone "also I'm happy for you congratulations" he says hugging them both "but you guys definitely fucked up". Taehyung takes a deep breath "he is kind of right" he said "of course he is" Yoongi replies kissing Taehyung's forehead.

"are you sure you're okay with a small wedding?" Yoongi asks "of course, that way we can get rid of them as soon as we can and then go do our own thing" Taehyung replies winking "you're right about that" they walk to their bedroom and began to undress so they can go to bed "and if you decide you want a big wedding later we can have one in Mexico, people block the streets and play music until the next day, the whole town gets together they dance with the couple and throw them around, they dance 'la vibora de la mar' where my dad comes from it's a small town so everyone would be invited they are known to bring food to the party without having to be asked to do so" Taehyung saw the way Yoongi's eyes glimmered at the thought "that sounds nice, we should do that" Yoongi smiles at his soon to be husband "I love you" he said "I love you too".

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